This was my first Audrey film I have even seen. I thought she was a bit wooden in the beginning. Then I saw Peter O'Toole !!! Those blue eyes !!! Shame he is old now !!!



The first time I saw somebody overshadowing Audrey: does not happen very often, but the second we saw those eyes of his above the picture frame..... the image forever burned in my memory forever


I absolutely agree. He's gorgeous to begin with, but those God.


Maybe I'm the only guy posting, but I couldn't take my eyes off of audrey. And, if you didn't notice, the camera loves her legs in this movie.


See? There's something in it for everyone.


I agree about his eyes...they are so beautiful, like pools I love this movie because Simon Dermot (Peter O'Toole) is so hot in it, also he plays an intelligent, funny, caring guy...sigh. I too wish he was not so old now.

I want to hold the hand that holds the world - Starfield


I'm with everyone on Peter O'Toole's eyes. He was my first on screen crush and it was the eyes that got me...not to mention the fact that the character is thoroughly witty, enchanting and disarming. I think many women would have willingly traded places with Audrey Hepburn in that closet.

And it's true, as old as he is, he's still got those eyes



I'm with everyone else here, those blue eyes are to die for! I don't think any of today's actors can compete with the young Peter O'Toole, looks-wise (or even with their acting).

I just thought it was interesting that on the DVD case for this movie, his eyes are brown. Did anyone else notice this? To me, it doesn't make sense that the DVD distributors would change his most gorgeous feature.


I noticed that, too. In fact that's why I came on today. My cover has his eyes as brown and hers as blue. i thought it very strange that they switched it up like that.

No, father, the moon's reaching for me!


I was talking to a friend who told about being on a streetcar in New Orleans. She said turned around and there were these astoundingly blue eyes!. She said they could not have been anyone's but Peter O'Toole's. Imagine the thrill. Be still my heart :)
Much was made about Paul Newman's baby blues and they were great, but they did not hold a candle to Peter O'Toole's!


I agree when I saw Lawrence of Arabia and peter's eyes against the sand!!!!!! and he looks so handsome!!!!!! He still has those beautiful eyes.


I was fortunate enough to meet Peter O'Toole thirty years ago and looked straight into those blue eyes. Believe you me they are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen on anyone - ever!

"Where does imagination end and reality begin?" (Night Of The Demon 1957)


My father was in the production design end of movies and TV shows in the '50s and '60s. I was lucky enough to meet everyone-who-was-anyone back then. He worked on "Lawrence of Arabia" very briefly, and I got to meet Mr. O'Toole. At that time, there was no handsomer, and wittier, man in the world.

Sadly, time, and alcohol, have taken their toll. Those gorgeous blue eyes are now rheumy, clouded and bloodshot from all that drink.


I do think he has lovely eyes but it seemed to me that in this film his face was a little haggard looking and sunken in. Perhaps from that hard living?


"Sadly, time, and alcohol, have taken their toll. Those gorgeous blue eyes are now rheumy, clouded and bloodshot from all that drink."


I love you like XO ;)


I just rewatched this film today. My two favorite actors in the same film together? It's like manna from Heaven.

Mr. Rusk. You're not wearing your tie!


Peter O'Toole is almost ridiculously good looking in this movie. Those blue eyes, that lean figure, that impish grin, I think I'm developing an old Hollywood crush.

Optimism: Waiting for a ship to come in when you haven't sent one out.


I didn't even have to click board to know it was about Peter O'toole... He is such a god.

Toto, I don't think we're in Georgia anymore


I feel like melting just looking at his eyes, and don't get me started on his voice...


Oh my God! When they first showed him in the movie, I nearly fainted when I saw those beautiful blue eyes! I was mesmerized by them throughout the whole movie. I gotta find me a man with eyes like that!


Peter was a very sexy man and was very hot in this film. Great actor R.I.P Peter.

It is my business to protect your majesty.... against all things.
