Use of the Boomerang Help

Can anyone help me to explain why Simon used the boomerang to set off the alarm? There were no guards in the room and he could have just approached the exhibition and put his arm under those blue lights to get it going. Their hiding location (janitor's closet) was close enough for him to run back to quickly enough before the arrival of the guards. The boomerang seems completely useless though is a great idea for a prop had there been actual purpose to it. Thanks in advance


I suppose the boomerang's return to the point where Simon was standing was quicker than Simon running. It's a movie.


I guess you are right; I know that it is a movie and that it does not have to obey the laws of logic or efficiency, but it just bugged me last time I watched it. Great movie though. Peter O'Tool's blue eyes alone are worth the repeated viewings.


I think he used the boomarang, because it was it was so much cooler than merely running up to it. It's just so much cleverer. Oh, and I agree with you about Peter O'Tool. Do me, Pete! Do me now! ;)

"I hate this nightgown.I hate all my nightgowns,and I hate all of my underwear too".- Rmn. Holiday


oH he is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sexy. In this particular movie, he is just stunnungly handsome. How gorgeous is he in Lawrence of Arabia dancing in the sand... Ohhhhh Peter In my humble opinion, he is even more charming than Gregory Peck although Gregory is one of the most beautiful men ever


True dat, true dat, Viy46.

"I hate this nightgown.I hate all my nightgowns,and I hate all of my underwear too".- Rmn. Holiday


The point was not merely to set off the alarm but to convince guards it'd been triggered by a technical malfunction. Trotting back and forth over marble floor in an empty building with reasonably good acoustics is unlikely to accomplish that.

It's used to be all girls with no clothes. Now, it's all clothes and no girls.


I agree with you. The broom closet is indeed close by - but so is the guards' room. There was a much higher chance that he'd be caught if he hadn't used the boomerang, particularly if the guards had been quicker on the ball instead of looking at each other when the alarm went off.


I also wondered what the point of him throwing the boomerang out of the hotel window. He practiced enough times in the park.


lol luckily this movie was made in 1966 instead of 2006, they would have security cameras everywhere!!


lol luckily this movie was made in 1966 instead of 2006, they would have security cameras everywhere!!

True; and yeah, I know this is only a movie, but in real life, after they turned the alarm off -- at least one if not two guards would have been assigned to stand next to the statue to keep an eye on it for the remainder of the night. (But then, the plot line would have been blown -- it's only a movie).


Probably just wanted to see if he could do it. Throwing it towards the statue on the pillar also indicates to the audience what he's planning to do.

~As your attorney, I advise you to rent a very fast car with no top. Then you'll need the cocaine~


It's just for fun, and because it's much cooler than running. in these old movies style actually matters. i guess that scene got quite a few laughs


What if he had hit the statue when he was throwing it. It seems like that would be pretty easy to do.


I think it's to give Audrey a chance to change.


i had a thread about the same thing:


The film-makers likely thought that the boomerang-thing was cooler.

One other consideration: The first time he triggered the alarm he probably had no idea how long it would take the museum guards to respond. He wanted to be out of sight.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
So is a lot.
— Albert Einstein


The idea probably was that he would have less time to get back to his hiding place if he personally went up to it and put his arm under the lights, and the boomerang made it easier. I still thought it was a bad idea though because he could have easily hit the statue by accident and destroyed it.


I immediately thought the same thing. It took quite some time for the guards to arrive each time, so he could have set off the alarm with his hand and easily run or even walked back to his hiding place without being seen. But the boomerang was more entertaining and added some suspense and jeopardy, waiting to see if he could throw it accurately and it would work. The movie is a light comedy, after all.
