Audrey Hepburn on auto-pilot.

One hears so much about her iconic beauty, but this film illustrates how much she relied on her name rather than her acting ability. Personally, I think it's like watching a stick insect with a daft accent, but I know it's each to their own, but it would be hard to argue against her very poor performance in this film.


If that's auto-pilot, I hope they never switch it off and land.


It's easy to say that though, isn't it? She's such an icon no one dares criticise her acting ability, which was always fairly poor. You mention it and you get shouted down by people who admire her for other reasons and can't view her objectively.


6 words:

"Wait Until Dark,"

"The Nun's Story."



Two more: "Roman Holiday"...

Rome! By all means, Rome.


So true. I've always thought she was a bad actress. And this movie is so campy they could have used a lovely hanger to show off the clothes while Peter O'Toole and the rest acted circles around it. Her face was remarkable and I've no doubt she was a good person who did good deeds but, acting? No ability whatsoever.


She is not a traditional dramatic actress, but I defy you to find any other actress that can combine naivety and vulnerability, with class and grace and still be likable. Not to mention her superb comedic timing.

It's not just about being a realistic character, for some characters were never meant to be realistic, it's about bringing what is necessary to the role.

You can call her campy in this role, but this movie is campy. Its an innocent, charming, entertaining matinee
Beatles Song of the Day -


I don't think she was as good in this as she was in "Charade" but I still like her.

The scene where she accidentally shoots Peter O'Toole is not what I'd call autopilot though.


That's right. Winning an Academy Award for Best Actress in just her first big film shows what an awful actress she was.

Rome! By all means, Rome.


She no needs actuation, the director ask that being her.


Yes Audrey is on auto pilot in this movie. Her heart is just not in it. I also sense not chemistry between her and O'Toole.


It's been speculated she had an affair with O'toole. I'm biased because I'm a huge Audrey fan. I even enjoyed "Robin and Marian" which some don't seem to care for.


Her character was irritating in this film.

It's that man again!!
