Remake horror!?
Having watched Gambit again i thought i'd take a look at the IMDB details. Imagine my horror when i read about a remake AND involving the Cohen brothers!
The Cohen's produced one of the all time worst remakes with The Ladykillers, and I can't believe they would have the audacity at producing another film version of Gambit when there's nothing wrong with the first film. Are the Cohen's truly dried up for new writing? They've made some very good original films in the past. why do they want to make another Gambit?
I feel sorry for Michael Caine. Having seen at least four of his films remade (The Italian Job, Get Carter, Alfie and Seluth) he must be wondering why there has been a need to remake some of his best his work. I know sincerity is the best form of flattery but Mr Caine must feel a little anoyed. When recently interviewed about the new Seluth he seemed not to mind (even with a starring role and a total script change), but let's not forget Mr Caine is a very good actor.
Certainly Mr Caine can pick a good script and i'm sure it's one reason why filmakers feel the need to "hav' a go themselves". I, on the other hand, like the originals and will keep on watching only them.
Can anyone honestly say that the remakes are better or even interesting?