The Best Moments In The Story...
Just thought I'd start a list thread of favorite short scenes, voice-over (or character) lines spoken, or actions that are particularly memorable or interesting, whether from a child's memory or an adult's retrospective viewpoint.
I'll start: one of my favorite moments is when, after taking away all that every single Who in Whoville has, and just before he takes the last crumb of food before a mouse can get to it, the Grinch opens a freezer of the last house to be robbed... and STEALS THEIR ICE CUBES RIGHT OUT OF THEIR TRAYS!!! When I first saw that as a child, I at once repelled at the sheer spitefullness of the act, and almost fell on the floor in laughter at the absurdity of being that petty... one of many great scenes in that cartoon.
Anybody have moments of their own to share?