That's ok, bob. It's just your ADD showing. There's not a bad scene in the movie; it's just that compared to today, there aren't as many explosions. today's movies rely on fireworks and action, as they routinely have poorly developed characters and not much of a plot. I may be biased, because this is in my top three movies, with Where Eagles Dare, and Young Frankenstein. And I've seen this one the most. As someone else said, the top 250 should be restricted to movies a certain period after they are released. Far too many people go to a movie and come home telling everyone 'That was the greatest movie of all time!' and they then never speak of it, or see it, again. Movies of 'fluff' (toy story, etc) really aren't all that great. GBU simply was great from the beginning, all the way through to the end. There aren't many films that can make that claim. And, of course, it helps to see it in a theater (or at least, some type of home theater).