Will it lose top 250 rank?

Being a huge nerd in movies, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is my number two favourite movie. Sadly one thing has raised my concern which is the fact that this movie's rating dropped the last time I checked from 9.0 to 8.9. Do you believe it will drop on the top 250 list soon?


All of the older classics will continue to drop little by little as new generations vote their modern favorites in to place.

"gonna throw, my raincoat in the river...gonna toss, my umbrella in the sea"...Sammy Turner.


But that doesn't explain why "12 Angry Men" is now rated higher than "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" because a year ago it was not. And "12 Angry Men" is nine years older.


Something must have happened to promote "12 Angry Men", like being shown more often on some of the movie channels, making it fresher in viewers' minds.

"gonna throw, my raincoat in the river...gonna toss, my umbrella in the sea"...Sammy Turner.


Or "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is being voted down while the other top 10 films keep having the same rating.


Yes, could be...

"gonna throw, my raincoat in the river...gonna toss, my umbrella in the sea"...Sammy Turner.


Regarding "12 Angry Men" vs. "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", it's just my opinion, but I recently watched both for the first time, and I found "12 angry men" to have aged better. Higher pace, more interesting dilemmas and better message. Perhaps newer audiences agree with me that it's generally a more timeless experience.


I think you underestimate the majority of IMDB users who vote.

4 of the top 10 were made before 1975.
70 of the top 250 were made before 1970.
86 of the top 250 were made after 1999.

Most of the movies that make the top 250 after 1999 eventually slide off the list.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is going to remain on this list for a long, long, long time.


Is imposible for this movie to get out of 250 in next 100 years ...:D!



Possibly the most influential film of all time, "King Kong" (1933), has been dropping out of the top 250. A sad state of affairs.

"gonna throw, my raincoat in the river...gonna toss, my umbrella in the sea"...Sammy Turner.


Well, I certainly hope not.


As a longtime user of IMdB I have come to the conclusion that the fundamental problem with the 250 list, is that you can vote for new films.

Voting should be restricted to films that are at least 5 years old.




Yeah, but eventually those drop out after they lose relevance.


No, people should still be able to vote on new movies. But the top 250 list could be arranged according to a separate score which only counts user's ratings created after the movie has been out for at least five years.


Don't attack me folks, just one man's opinion, but I find this movie too long, a slight deduction because of the dubbing as well, and the lingering close ups become very boring to me. Overall, I give it a 7 and I am not sure it is top 250 material. Ah, but no doubt the hounds of hell will dog me now, I am sure many will curse me :)


Not sure if it's top 250 material? LOL Are you mad? Best Western ever made...


Totally agreed with alexmoviefreak, absolutely.


You know what you are, Bob?! Just a lousy sonofab!tch! Ah ah Ah ah Ah...lol.

"gonna throw, my raincoat in the river...gonna toss, my umbrella in the sea"...Sammy Turner.




Agreed. I won't curse you out.


You are the son of a thousand fathers, all of them b*****s like you.




That's ok, bob. It's just your ADD showing. There's not a bad scene in the movie; it's just that compared to today, there aren't as many explosions. today's movies rely on fireworks and action, as they routinely have poorly developed characters and not much of a plot. I may be biased, because this is in my top three movies, with Where Eagles Dare, and Young Frankenstein. And I've seen this one the most. As someone else said, the top 250 should be restricted to movies a certain period after they are released. Far too many people go to a movie and come home telling everyone 'That was the greatest movie of all time!' and they then never speak of it, or see it, again. Movies of 'fluff' (toy story, etc) really aren't all that great. GBU simply was great from the beginning, all the way through to the end. There aren't many films that can make that claim. And, of course, it helps to see it in a theater (or at least, some type of home theater).


It happened -.-, Schindler's List was great but nothing compared to this ... 12 Angry Men? Maybe, but still not a 10/10.


It has an 8.9 and is currently in the top 10. I think it's safe to say that it won't be going anywhere. It has to lose an entire point to fall out of the top 250 and the chances of that happening are pretty low at this stage of the game. This isn't a new release, after all.

Ram this in your clambake, bitchcakes!


If movies like these keep on dropping ratings and position in IMDB Top 250 then certainly the Top 250 page will lose value. 😱😨😩
The is undoubtedly one of my favourites movies of all time. 😳

