Youre right. Leaving Tuco in the desert and screwing him with their deal was col. Tuco was every bit justified in what followed.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought this. It's weird that everyone else in this movie had their own complications or code of ethics, even the "bad." But, not Blondie. He left his partner stranded in the desert. Then, there was that scene where he knocked out the medic and stole the stretcher from that dead/dying man... What was "good" about his character again?
I'm not a fan of Clint Eastwood as it is. But, when his character being called much better than he actually is and constantly being saved by multiple deux ex machinas (the cannon, the wagon with Carson, and Angel Eyes deciding not to torture him for info... Just because he's prettier than Tuco, I guess), while others meet terrible, undeserved fates really annoyed me.
It actually made me lose some interest in the movie.
Once Upon a Time in the West was much better and made a lot more sense.