Blondie's two hats

In the beginning when Blondie's running the game w/Tuco he has on a plantation-type hat. I don't remember at what point in the movie but then he has on the other "famous" hat he wears in the trilogies. Did he lose the first one? Eastwood claims her took his wardrobe with him at the end of the day's shooting. Anybody know the reason for the two hats?


AngelEyes gives him a different hat when they leave the prison camp. All different clothes in fact.


Blondie losses his first hate in the desert when Tuco shoots it off his head with the saying "Now you won't have to carry so much". He also had a third hat once they left Tuco's brothers ministry after Blondie recovered. He did not receive the famous hat you see in the other movies till toward the last part of the movie where Angel Eyes gave him his new clothes, including the hat.
