The Late Great Duane Allman

I am formerly known as HillieBoliday....Member since May 2006

I have been hypnotized, mesmerized and obsessed with Ennio Morricone's, iconic one of a kind soundtracks; since seeing this movie in the theatre back in the mid 60's.

Because this soundtrack features the guitar with such a prominent solo presence; I've often wondered if one of my favorite all-time guitar virtuoso's....Duane Allman; saw this movie...and if so, how did he feel about the soundtrack? I would love to know what his critiques were about the arrangements; chord structures, their mastery of the guitar, etc.

But of course....that will never happen.....but I do like pontificating about it.

I guess the closest we could every possibly know, is if his brother Gregg Allman has ever shared anything in a interview about Ennio Morricone's musical genius.

"OOhhooo....I'M GON' TELL MAMA!"
