White Pants

How come his white pants stay so clean during the movie? They should have been completely wrecked by the end. Having said that, I liked the movie.


Does anybody even wear white pants like that nowadays? Maybe they were a fashion statement of the sixties, but today.... dunno'. You'd look rather strange wearing those.


They aren't that strange. I wear similar off-white pants. For what it's worth, I'm of the mid-20s university student demographic, living in the United States. I guess pants that are any color other than the blue of jeans stand out a bit these days, though.

Favorite Film: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


OMG, Zolotoy, what is your point?????


I wear white pants a lot and just keeping them clean is very difficult. They get dirty just getting into the car.


How come we don't see him performing a bowel movement? How come we don't see him go grocery shopping? How come we don't see him paying his utility bills? How come we don't see him calling his mother on the phone?

The answer to all of these questions, as well as yours, is that it's a movie. Leave your logic and plausibility at the door, thank you.
