Saw The Movie...

And I liked it.

It has all the fun of the cartoon and it serves as an orgin story. It even has the engery pills!

It follows the cartoon closer than Transformers did, that's for sure. The movie even ends with how every Underdog catoon ended. And every Underdog fan knows what that it is...

See it!


I was greatly disappointed by the movie. I would have used actors in make-up and masks and done more of what made the cartoon so memorable: a parody of Superman. I'm trying to figure out why the dog was named "Shoeshine" and would have liked to have seen more of Riff Raff.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


I'm trying to figure out why he was named "Shoeshine"

Shoeshine Boy is probably his real name. His parents (who I don't remember ever seeing or even being talked about in the TV show) did not name him at all. Instead, he was named by the TV show's MAKERS, who were not too worried about making things as realistic as possible, including realistic real names. As for why they made his real name Shoeshine Boy instead of anything else, when villains, monsters, & natural disasters are NOT happening, if it's daytime, guess who will be shining shoes (for a really minimum wage, of course).
