Super Energy Pill
Loved the Underdog cartoon! I always tried to watch it as a kid, and even as an adult I still find it fun to watch.
But as an adult I got to wondering, if they ever did a remake, would they have Underdog rely on a "super energy pill" when he got weak. Remember the line, "the secret compartment of my ring, I fill with an Underdog super energy pill!"
I mean, what was it...A placebo? A mega-vitamin? Concentrated spinach a-la Popeye? Steroids? Or, was it Crack? Would our ultra-PC society permit the hero to use a super energy pill, or would he end up in a 12-step program to break his addiction at the end of the movie?
Oh, and I just read the plot outline for the 2007 Underdog film. I hate it already. There are hundreds of ways to write a good Underdog film. The one I just read, isn't one of them! If they do remake Underdog, I really hope they keep it funny for kids, but have enough adult elements so that the people who actually remember Underdog can enjoy it too.
- Frank