Super Energy Pill

Loved the Underdog cartoon! I always tried to watch it as a kid, and even as an adult I still find it fun to watch.

But as an adult I got to wondering, if they ever did a remake, would they have Underdog rely on a "super energy pill" when he got weak. Remember the line, "the secret compartment of my ring, I fill with an Underdog super energy pill!"

I mean, what was it...A placebo? A mega-vitamin? Concentrated spinach a-la Popeye? Steroids? Or, was it Crack? Would our ultra-PC society permit the hero to use a super energy pill, or would he end up in a 12-step program to break his addiction at the end of the movie?

Oh, and I just read the plot outline for the 2007 Underdog film. I hate it already. There are hundreds of ways to write a good Underdog film. The one I just read, isn't one of them! If they do remake Underdog, I really hope they keep it funny for kids, but have enough adult elements so that the people who actually remember Underdog can enjoy it too.

- Frank


I don't think the Super Energy Pill was anything. The "that pill is drugs" thing is just a ridiculous, overthought, uptight argument by someone who has something to gain from such a thing. I'm not sure who would gain something over giving a cartoon bad press, but that's how it is, I suppose.

I thought, and still do to this day, that the Super Energy Pill was...a Super Energy Pill. A pill that Underdog would swallow to regain his lost energy. A pill that the writers put in to angle some sort of suspense in the story, because sometimes he's lose the ring, or Sweet Polly would have it, but she would be kidnapped or something.

It's just a pill, and it's just a cartoon.


Taking away the pill would be like taking away Pac-Man's power pellets (pills). Thank god the videogame industry still has somewhat more dignity for its classic franchises. Not a whole lot more than Hollywood, mind you. Just a teeny weeny bit.

A prostitute is someone who'll love you no matter who you are or what you look like.-Chef


Anyone remember "Rodger Ramjet?" That dude popped uppers to get himself ready for battle and it was even featured in the jingle.


yah I don't like to think about things too hard either.


actually, the line was..."The secret place in my ring I fill, with an Underdog Energy Vitamin Pill"

I think they tried not to use the word "super" too often.......


Actually, the line was... "The secret compartment of my ring, I fill with an Underdog Super Energy Pill." There was no mention of the word "vitamin" in that context during the series.

I really was kidding about it being made of crack.

But I do think that our squeamish culture would have issues with a Super Energy Pill, unless the writers were careful to make the audience aware of its contents.

- Frank



I remember a time in the 80's when people got upset because Mighty Mouse sniffed a powder and then all of a sudden got energy. They started likening that to him doing coke and that episode never aired again. That was 20 years ago, so imagine how they'll act now.


The reallys stupid thing was that it wasn't even powder. It was a flower! Then that idiot the "honorable" Rev. Donald Wildmon claimed it was cocaine just to get some publicity! Religion contains even more morons than politics.



Wait... do you mean Religion and Politics are two different things?!?!



---people got upset because Mighty Mouse sniffed a powder and then all of a sudden got energy---

LOL That's really funny, I'm sorry I missed that episode! I was never a huge fan of Mighty Mouse, but that's something I would have liked to have seen.

I always thought that the concept of a Super Energy Pill was a little "odd" anyway. I mean, you either have the power of a super-hero or you don't. You'd never see Superman or Spider-Man jonzing for a Super Energy Pill if they were in a weakened state.

Also, If Sweet Polly Purebread took the pill, does that mean that she (or anyone) could get superhero power? Or does the pill only work for Underdog?

- Frank
"We are one big happy fleet!" - KN Singh


Maybe they should have a scene where Underdog starts acting weird because he went too long w/out taking it. Off his Looks like the upcoming movie will explain his powers as the results of a lab experiment run amuck.

There's only 1 Yogi Bear. They tried a 2nd time, & they made a Booboo!HeyeyeyhEY!



They did like ask: It was fun for all. Thy even kept the energy pill in it.



In the book "What Were They Thinking? The 100 Dumbest Events in Television History", there's mention of "Underdog" and "Roger Ramjet" getting into trouble for popping pills for their strength. If you look at some reruns, you'll see that they edit out Underdog actually taking the pill.

In the "Underdog" episode "The Mole Men" (my favorite, by the way), the Mole Men steal all of the surface people's food, making them weak. To help the humans, Underdog puts his energy pills into drinking water reservoirs across the world while Sweet Polly Purebred informed everyone to "Drink water! The Mole Men are coming!". People drank the water and suddenly had the strength to fight or escape. So, yes, the pills worked on people other than Underdog.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


Just saw a rerun earlier this week and Underdog did, at one point, call it a "super vitamin pill".

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


The secret compartment of my ring, I fill with an Underdog Super Energy Pill.

Close, but the comma goes after FILL. Underdog almost always rhymed.


I don't recall Shoeshine Boy rhyming. In fact, I remember an episode where S.B. is talking about Underdog and mentions Underdog's rhyming habit.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


Oops. It's been too long since I watched this show. If I had watched it recently, I never would have added "(even as Shoeshine Boy)".

& "almost always" is slightly misleading. But as Underdog, he did rhyme more often than not (I'd say at least 1/2 of the time).


I'd say more than half. In fact, I can only remember one instance where he didn't rhyme. It was in the episode where Barsinister went back in time to try and stop the first Thanksgiving from happening. Not only that, I think this was also the only episode where Underdog didn't crash into anything at the end.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!
