The Interrogator

Watching this episode (the last one to feature Rollin and Cinnamon), reminded me of The Mind Of Stepan Micklos. In some ways, it's even more confusing.

Any thoughts?

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!


In the fact that it was confusing on first viewing, yes. One must really focus on both episodes or get lost in the intricate plotting.

It's a toss up for me which episode was Landau's best performance, The Interrogator or his penultimate episode, Illusion. These were his peak Mission: Impossible performances, and sadly his last. IMHO Emmy-level quality, both.

Landau and his friend Jack Nicholson watched the final cut of The Interrogator together. Nicholson was blown away by the scene where Hand turned the tables on "the interrogator."


Thanks for the spoiler alert! Jack Nicholson liked it? Cool!

I've always liked the episodes where the team has less than 8 hours or so to complete the mission. Even after seeing them so many times, I still cross my fingers and hope they can do it in time.

BTW, remember the woman that Cinnamon was portraying? She seems to look a lot like May Britt, who was in the fourth season episode when the IMF had to get some bank account numbers. Do you know if that's her?

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!
