The Crypt

David gets stuck in the crypt for two days after he follows Sarah into it. She had shown him how to get in but not out. Just as he's about to leave, Barnabas and Willie show up and so he hides in the empty coffin and when they leave they unknowingly lock him in as he doesn't know how to get out.

David is stuck in the crypt for two days. I thought the coffin there was Barnubus' coffin/daybed. If yes, why doesn't B find D when he goes to sleep at sunrise?

If it's not B's coffin, then whose is it and why is it empty?

Is it simply his formal coffin but he has a spare more conveniently located near the Old House?


You're kidding right? Been quite a few years, but that hidden room was where Barnabas was entombed by his father and chained until Willie came looking for jewels! Somehow he found it, opened Barnabas' coffin and has been his servant ever since! His day coffin is in the Old House; off the living room in a small little cubbyhole! Later it was moved upstairs when the storyline required it IIRC! 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Actually, Barnabas' coffin was located in the basement. The basement entrance was changed on the set; first Barnabas was seen emerging from the swinging doors at the back of the drawing room; then the cell-like door was constructed directly in line with the front entrance. Josette's room was the only room upstairs we ever saw, apart from Willie's room in one episode (after he was shot), presumably located upstairs.


OK cool, thanks. Sounds like you were a stage hand on the show Fletcher, which is awesome.

But why is the coffin in the crypt empty????


Instead of moving that coffin all the way to the Old House (originally the Eagle Hill cemetery was located five miles away - later it's within walking distance, like everything else), they either dug one up somewhere (excuse the pun) or Willie constructed a new one for the basement. When Barnabas was first released he did spend days inside the crypt.


OK got it. That was why Barnabas and Willie were so worried about the sheriff and Joe checking the basement for David.


It turned out there was a series of secret passageways leading from the basement to the beach, so it would've made more sense to have stashed the coffin in there instead of in plain sight right next to the basement stairs.


The OP is correct. David was in the mausoleum two nights, and that was indeed Barnabas' coffin right in there with him. Anybody who watched Dark Shadows as much as I have can tell it's the same coffin in the basement of the Old House. They sometimes flip it around, so it can be opened from the other side, but the interior is always the same (not very deep at all, lined in dark velvet).

So, this was definitely a goof. Not the first and certainly not the last.

When David was attacked by that "bat" in his room, it was clearly on a fishing rod--the shadow was shown against a wall. And David's flailing about was laughable.


I wonder if someone still has the bat prop or maybe it's in storage. It would be cool to have that!


They used it again, when Barnabas was bitten by a bat in 1796. And it was on a fishing pole then, which is CLEARLY visible!


You're kidding right? Been quite a few years, but that hidden room was where Barnabas was entombed by his father and chained until Willie came looking for jewels! Somehow he found it, opened Barnabas' coffin and has been his servant ever since! His day coffin is in the Old House; off the living room in a small little cubbyhole! Later it was moved upstairs when the storyline required it IIRC!

Sorry, but you're wrong. Willie found the coffin in the crypt because Barnabas was pulling him toward it. Don't you remember him staring at Barnabas' portrait, hearing a heartbeat, and then seeing the eyes glow?

Barnabas had only ONE coffin. He didn't have two. And it was never "off the living room in a small little cubbyhole." He'd had it brought to the Old House basement, so how it appeared in the mausoleum's secret room AGAIN made no sense.

The coffin was NEVER moved upstairs. You need to watch the show again to refresh your very faulty memory.


The most disturbing aspect of this goof is that it leaves Batnabas up for two straight days with no explanation.


Been too many years! Maybe thinking of the 90's version more with Ben Cross! Grave robbing always gets you in trouble eventually! That coffin was dragged all over the place in the original series; upstairs, downstairs, in a secret cell, etc.! 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


I remember willie constructing a coffin for Barnabas in the new house.


You remember wrong. Barnabas ALWAYS had the same coffin. It's even beat up on the outside. Very recognizable.


It's the same prop, obviously, but within the context of the story, they're two different coffins.


So Willie had constructed this new coffin prior to David getting stuck in the secret room in the crypt?


Yes. Or "dug one up".
When Barnabas moved into the Old House he had a new coffin installed in the basement and abandoned the one in the mausoleum.


OK, I guess all of these questions will be cleared up when I get that far. I started years ago where SyFy started it - right before Barnabas showed up. I started back at the beginning recently after discovering that the entire series is on youtube.

Hope they don't get taken down before I finish!

I need to step on it though, at the rate I'm going it'll take me 10 years to get through the series!


Barnabas had one coffin only. That's all. If it was in the mausoleum when it should've been in the Old House basement, that was a mistake.

Just like it's a mistake when Vicki returns from 1795, and the Old House walls are suddenly painted.

Just like it's a mistake that Josette's portrait, in 1795, is seen hanging over her fireplace...and then, a few episodes later, the portrait is delivered to the Old House, as if it had never been here.

The Josette painting is also seen in the Old House drawing room after they return from 1795, when Barnabas' portrait should be there. It suddenly jumps to Josette's bedroom within a few episodes.

But bottom line: Barnabas never had another coffin, just the same old one. Besides, when would Willie have a chance to make a coffin? And apparently, given the circumstances of Barnabas' curse, he doesn't need to sleep in a coffin, he could sleep anywhere out of the dark. Vampires only sleep in coffins that contain earth of their native country.


You're right about the Old House interior and Josette's portrait.
I don't know where the coffin in the basement came from - whether Willie constructed it, or if he and Barnabas had nabbed it from somewhere. But it is NOT the same one that we see in the mausoleum.
When Sarah showed it to David, he asked her why there was an empty coffin in there. She explained that it wasn't always empty - someone was in it once, but they went away. In other words, after Barnabas secured permission to move into the Old House, he had a NEW coffin (at least new to him) installed in the basement and left the one in the mausoleum where it had been since 1796.


And where would this "new" coffin come from? And why?

It would be much easier to transport his original coffin to the Old House under the cover of night than to somehow "find" a new coffin or construct one. Look at the thing. Do you honestly think Willie could construct a coffin, polish it, and then line it in velvet in such short a time? Come on.

It is DEFINITELY the same coffin from the mausoleum. Sorry, but all you need to do is look. Barnabas had only one coffin throughout the entire run of Dark Shadows. Sometimes, it was flipped around so it could be opened from the other side, but it was ALWAYS the same.


Then why was there one in the mausoleum? The show had more bloopers than you can count, but that wasn't one of them.


Yes, it was. How do you explain that the coffins are identical? Because they're the same. According to your logic, Willie either had the ability to fashion a coffin within a few days, or another was "dug up" somewhere. Why would they need to do any of that, when Barnabas already HAD a functional coffin? What would be the motivation to replace it?


The mausoleum was at a cemetery five miles north of Collinsport, and Willie probably didn't have the means to transport it (I doubt Sam would've lent him his station wagon).


Come on. People could walk to the cemetery from Collinwood. Do you think little David, who was locked in the mausoleum, trekked FIVE MILES to get there?


Fletcher is correct. The coffin prop may have been the same, or perhaps they were identical props, but within the context of the show, we are supposed to believe they are two separate coffins. Think about it logically for a moment. If Barnabas had moved his coffin out of the mausoleum, how could a missing coffin from the family mausoleum be explained to family visitors or gronds keepers who might some
day look in there? Second, Barnabas ALWAYS sleeps in his coffin during the day. He couldn't have done so if the coffin had been in the mausoleum those two nights when David was trapped in there. Third, why would he have moved the coffin back and forth between the two places? That's crazy. Willie got Barnabas a coffin for the Old House abd the original remained in the mausoleum.


Hello! The room is SECRET. It's a SECRET ROOM. Family members and groundskeepers are unaware of its existence, otherwise it wouldn't be a SECRET.

If you've watched the show as often as I have, you'd know that NO one but Joshua Collins, Barnabas Collins, Willie, Ben Stokes, David and Sarah know there's a secret room in the mausoleum. So there wouldn't be a "missing coffin," since only a few know a coffin even existed there. No "family visitors" would be visiting a coffin they don't even know exists, come on. There's no grave marker for it, either. Don't you even watch the show? You should know ALL of this.

Plus, it's clearly revealed in the 1795 flashback that the secret room was designed to be used for ammunition for patriots during the Revolutionary War. It wasn't used as a coffin room until Barnabas was put there.

There is only ONE coffin. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see the coffins are identical. If they were in two places at once, it was merely a blooper. There were plenty on the show, you know.

How can you explain the existence of Josette's portrait in 1795 hanging over the mantle in the Old House, and then days later, the portrait ARRIVES at the Old House, all wrapped up in paper--as if the portrait artist had just finished with it? Simple. It's a mistake. Just like the coffin being in two places at once.


You're right about the secret room, and Josette's portrait. And by the time the show went to color, yes, the Eagle Hill cemetery was suddenly next to Widow's Hill.

BUT to repeat myself - yawn - there were TWO coffins.


Prove it. When was it said that a new coffin existed? How did it get to the Old House? What episode did Barnabas instruct Willie to make or find a new coffin?

I'm curious, but I know no such episode exists. There are NOT two coffins.


They didn't specifically mention two coffins, simply because it was plainly seen that there were two.
We didn't see them install one in the Old House. Nor did we see Willie drive back and forth to the Eagle Hill cemetery when Barnabas first took control of him, nor did we witness Willie tell him what year it was, who was living at Collinwood, etc., etc. But we know all of those things happened.
They didn't spell everything out. They didn't have to. The word "vampire" was never used until the 1795 episodes. Some things are plainly seen and don't require mentioning.


Hey Scary Mary, no need to be so angry and defensive because people disagree with you. And I watched this show as a child during its original run, during its time on Syfi during the 90's, and I even visited the house in RI where they filmed the exteriors and have a piece of shingle from the roof. I was an avid DS fan likely before you were born, so show a little respect in the way you argue with people, ok?

Just think about this logically. If there was only one coffin, how did Barnabas know to have it moved back from the Old House to the family mausoleum the two nights David got locked in the mausoleum? How did he know Sarah was going to show David that room and that David would disappear those specific nights? And what would have been his motive for moving the coffin back there? It would have been safer if David didn't see an empty coffin in the room. If the one coffin was in the mausoleum those two nights, where did Barnabas sleep those nights? Your comment that Barnabas didn't need to sleep in a coffin, only in a dark place, runs counter to what we saw in the series. Barnabas always HAD to get back into his coffin by daybreak--not slink off into a dark closet or bedroom. Also, it made no sense for Barnabas and Willie to be dragging a coffin back and forth between two places a few miles apart--it would have been way too risky --and just plain dumb. There were two coffins--one in the mausoleum and one in the Old House. There was one coffin prop used for both scenes. It was likely not a real coffin, but a light weight prop that could easily be moved between sets for budget purposes.


Hello! If you're a fan who goes way back to the original broadcast, then you should know there were continuity errors galore on Dark Shadows. I know that, and so should you. That's what this is. The coffin should've been in the Old House basement. They forgot and put it back in the mausoleum to make the scene scarier for David. That's all. Very simple. Much more simple than making a second coffin.

You can talk till you're blue in the face, but Barnabas only had one coffin during the ENTIRE RUN of the show.

But I'd like to hear, just for the sake of argument, where this "second" coffin came from. Can you tell me? Fletcher couldn't. Can you? Especially since it's IDENTICAL to Barnabas' original coffin, complete with the same lining. Did Willie fashion it, complete with dents in the wood from the chains? Come on.

As for your snark about not being "old enough," I'm 64 and started watching the show in April of 67, when I was in the 8th grade. I also ran a fan club for Dennis Patrick (Jason McGuire/Paul Stoddard) and visited the studio and set during my February break of 1970. So, no, you weren't watching Dark Shadows before I was "born." In fact, I'm probably older than you, having been born in 1952.

And when I was on set and shown around by Dennis, I saw the mausoleum. The coffin was there. I also saw the Old House basement set. No coffin. This was during the Leviathan period. Can you explain what Barnabas' coffin was doing in the mausoleum when it should've been in his basement? The studio was quite small, and there was no second coffin in sight.

Your memory is faulty. But that's ok.


I never got the impression there were two coffins. I just figured there was some mistake made along the way, and the prop guys forgot where the coffin was supposed to be at a particular point in time.

As Scary Mary said, the coffins are identical, right down to the dent marks. I doubt Willie could replicate those from the original.

I'm surprised people are so insistent on there being two coffins. Dark Shadows was full of mistakes, everything from walls shaking, microphones coming into view, cameras being seen, stage hands coughing, laughing and chatting off-camera, and as it was pointed out by someone, the Josette portrait did move around and was in places it shouldn't have been...just like the coffin.

But yet, people are insisting this wasn't a mistake, as if just this once--no matter how incomprehensible--Barnabas somehow dug up a new coffin, when the old one was perfectly useable.

I've watched all the episodes on Sci-Fi when they ran, and I never once had the impression there were two coffins. It just makes since that after lying in a coffin for almost 200 years, Barnabas would take it with him to the Old House. That it magically reappeared in the mausoleum was just an error, that's all.


Thank you.


So your answer to all of my questions, which I have now posted twice, was that it was simply a continuity error? You are saying that the writers, directors and producers were so sloppy that they didn't think that viewers would wonder how the coffin, that was clearly in Barnabas's basement, was suddenly in the mausoleum while David was locked in there? Not only was the coffin in the mausoleum instead of Barnabas's basement while David was locked in there, but it was also in there when Sarah first showed David the secret room? If it was only one coffin, how did it go back and forth between the mausoleum and Barnabas's basement? This is not a simple gaff like seeing strings attached to a fake bat. This would be an insult to the intelligence of viewers. And your comment that you did not see a coffin in the basement on set is irrelevant. It is one hundred percent certain that Barnabas has a coffin in his basement. We have already seen that a dozen times. That is why Barnabas and Willie freaked out when the sheriff wanted to look into their basement. Surely you remember those scenes? You have not adequately answered these logical questions. Your only answer is that they were continuity mistakes. Which I do not buy. And you can talk yourself blue in the face but I think that most viewers understand that there were in fact two coffins within the context of thrstory, but the same prop used in both places.


Oh, get off your high horse. "An insult to the viewers." Don't make me laugh. No, I think I will laugh. Haha!

Yes, it was a continuity error, and Dark Shadows did that stuff all the time. You're just being obtuse and stubborn because you want to make a "point." Fine with me, but I know you're wrong.


Sorry, Kathy, but Mary has you up against the ropes. It was merely a continuity error. Happened all the time on Dark Shadows. Or haven't you noticed? Maybe you need to refresh your memory. Why are you so abrasive?


Don't apologize to me. Obviously many viewers were wondering how the coffin got back and forth from the Old House to the mausoleum. Charlotte wondered about the issue of the coffin,that is why she started this thread. Attentive viewers would have wondered about the coffin going back and forth between the two places. Intelligent viewers would understand that it was the same prop used in two different parts of the set, but that in the context of the story, Barnabas would have had a different coffin in his basement instead of moving his coffin back and forth between his basement and the mausoleum, which would have been ridiculous. It would be more believable as a continuity error if these episodes had not all occurred sequentially. But with a coffin being in the mausoleum one day and then back in the basement the next, there is no way it could be a continuity error. I feel I am right just as strongly as you feel you are right, so we may need to agree to disagree rather than resorting to childish insults towards one another.


Vampires only sleep in coffins that contain earth of their native country.
That’s from Bram Stoker’s Dracula which is only one of many vampire stories and one that DS relief heavily upon, but not entirely devoted to obviously.


One thing I like about this board is the open exchange of views argument free up to this week. To me the core posters are so knowledgeable and helpful. Theyve enhanced my viewing experience so much. But you recent guys....


Welcome to the real world. Not everyone agrees on everything.


Having class is a choice.


And so is accepting something that's inaccurate. I didn't start any argument; I merely reported what I know and saw on my set visit in 1970.

And let's not forget that snide snark about "I doubt you were even born when I first started watching Dark Shadows." What Kathy didn't realize is that I'm actually older than her, probably by a few years.

I was heavily involved in DS fandom, write about it for magazines, and am about to interview Roger Davis, John Karen, and Lara Parker. I'll make sure to ask them about the "double-coffin" issue, but I already know the answer.

Yes, class is a choice. So why not show some yourself?


Vito Scotti! I remember seeing you on Gilligan's Island and Columbo!


And Vito was the baker who created that magnificent cake for Connie Corleone's wedding in "The Godfather."


Greetings to all my adoring fans!


And you were frightened quite a bit on The Addams Family, if memory serves me.


Loved you as Italian movie director Frandisi in "The Perils of Pauline" (1967). You had Pauline (Pamela Austin) come down the stairs to the gorilla's cage and say "Gorilla...oh, gorilla sweet." Little did she know it was a real gorilla!


My faves are Japanese sailor Gilligan's Island, gypsy Andy Griffith Show, Italian painter Dick Van Dyke Show.


To the poster who was pointing out that the coffins in the basement and the mausoleum are identical--yes, no one is arguing that they aren't. They are clearly the same prop used in different places throughout the series. The coffin was likely light weight, and they moved it around during different scenes and different storylines over the years. I was trying to make the point that within the context of the storyline, it is logical to assume that Willie moved another coffin into the Old House--that's the only way to explain how there was a coffin simultaneously in both the Old House and the mausoleum, unless we are to assume Willie kept moving the one coffin back and forth. Which doesn't make sense to me or to some others. However, since this is not explicitly spelled out by the characters, it's reasonable that viewers may hold one view or the other, and neither view can be proved wrong or right. We can just agree to disagree.

Scary Mary, you were arguing with Fletcher long before I joined the conversation. I made the comment that I've been a long time fan of DS since the original run because you asked me if I had even watched the show--which was to suggest that because my opinion differs from yours, that I couldn't have watched the show. Because if I had watched the show, of course I would agree with you. I found that to be condescending. I asked that we agree to disagree and avoid childish name-calling. Then you called me "obtuse" and "stubborn" and told me to get off my high horse. It is clearly more important to you try to prove yourself right about a relatively meaningless point about a show that is 50 years old, than to be respectful of other peoples' feelings. I feel it is more important to be respectful of other people's feelings and opinions than to prove myself right, so I am bowing out of this argument.

I want to apologize to the other posters on this board for having contributed to the dissension that has disrupted the peacefulness of your community. I post on this board a few times a year, whenever Decades runs a DS marathon, because I know it will be active during these times. I always enjoy your discussions and comments. Peace.


Wow. People are SOOO incredibly sensitive. Just because Scary Mary disagreed with you and called you "stubborn" and "obtuse," you're bent out of shape and complaining about the "peacefulness of the community" being ruined.

You started arguing with Mary first. If you wanted to maintain the peace, wouldn't it be better not to enter the fray at all? Instead, you baited her, and the rest went on from there.

I'm all for peace and harmony, but I'm amazed that grown adults are so sensitive and their feelings get hurt on a message board. Sheesh. I'd be more upset about Trump, if I were you.



That's fascinating.
I hope you post the interviews on here.


Wow. This thread sure saw some heat!

Where is Barnabas' grave marker? Is it in the main room of the crypt?


Barnabas doesn't have a grave marker. When he died in the eighteenth century, Joshua spread the word that he'd gone away to England and stuck his coffin in the mausoleum's secret room.


Ohhhhhhh... Thanks!
