Solid Movie!

Hi there!

How are you ?

I saw this film yesterday and enjoyed it very much!

Charlton Heston really was a great actor. This movie is very good and the settings are quite nice, I was impressed actually. Nice castle in studio in L.A, nice job guys.

Very good action sequences, great costums and fine acting. I really had a very good moment watching "The War Lord".

Have a nice day.

*Lord of Movies*


Yes, I agree, THE WAR LORD is an outstanding movie that you will remember all your life.

But I have to ruin one of your sentimental memories.
The tower built by Universal Studios for the movie stood on the lot for years as a tourist attraction where tour trams would trundle past. Not long afterwards, Universal Studios altered the appearance somewhat and the surroundings extensively for a later, unrelated movie, "The Crusades". Years later, during the great refurbishment of the Universal Studios to its present extensive tourist attraction, the tower was torn down and the area razed for reconstruction.
