At last, a UK release!

Eureka Entertainment are releasing this on June 21 with an RRP of £15.99. There is a review of it here

It doesn't have a great deal of extras, only a theatrical trailer and a music only option, but the AV quality is pretty good.


The reviewer seems to have slept though a lot of it, though, as s/he has no idea what's going on - hasn't even got the heroine's name right. In the film the "droit de seigneur" is actually presented as a local pagan custom, not a Norman feudal right, and that's precisely what Chrysagon has against it. Far from having "stayed chaste", as the review says, he plainly sees it as his right to have any peasant in his domain , and it's only superstition that stops him in Bronwyn's (not "Gwendolyn's") case the first time he sets eyes on her.
