I liked this film

I saw it in a theatre and I liked it. Rosemary Forsythe is very pretty and I like her. Some people says they didn't like her acting because she doesn't say her lines properly. I think I'll get the video so I can see it again and judge for myself if Rosemary Forsythe's acting isn't that good. There are good battle scenes but this movie was made in Universal Studio's backlot and not in Europe where there are real castles, it might look a bit fake on seeing it again. I hope not.

You can't hold a candle to Gulbenkian.


I think the Tower looked very good, it fooled me. fight were great .


But was it as good as the Tower in El Cid?

You can't hold a candle to Gulbenkian.


Mark, there was no tower it was a real castle in El Cid filmed in Spain, the whole film was on a much larger scale, you cant really copare the two films, War Lord remains a very convincing Tower.


Are you sure about that? Because I thought it was a cardboard facade.

You can't hold a candle to Gulbenkian.


Hi Mark, if you look on the imdb serch and find the film , click on locations and you will see all the places including castles use in El Cid.


I loved the fight between the Normans and the Frisians. It was fast and furious kinda like the Samurais in Japan


Practical tower built on Universal back-lot - unfortunately, torn down in 2001 after 35 years of service as a highlight of Universal bus tours...


Despite her not being a very well-known actress, I thought Rosemary Forsythe performed OK. I enjoyed the pagan pieces in it. It had a really brooding atmosphere. I wish that the music had been more moody and brooding to accompany it. Although the music sounded suitable for a medieval piece, it got on my nerves at times. Especially when it became too loudly up-surging and intrusive.
