Wonderful end....

Every time I see this movie I remain excited from the perfection of the end... every image, every emotion, every moment with the music playing is simply PERFECT. Superp acting of Lee Van Cliff that without saying a word give so much emotions with his eyes... when he look the gun near that it could not take and when he look Indio until the music stop and begin again when "Eastwood" reappear...
And just like it would not be enough the final dialogs between Lee and Clint is again just perfect with a mix of hironic and sad... it's perfect.


hence why its my favourite film of all time

Sawyer: What's wrong Jumbotron?
Hurley: Shut up. Red. Neck. Man.
Sawyer: Touche


My favorite too

Are you not entertained? *Are* you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?


Oh yeah, me too. You figure its taken Mortimer years to figure out what happened, who is responsible and to track him down. At this point in the film, he's literally cut down every man in his path until he's finally gotten to Indigo, he THINKS he's shot Indigo, only to find out he's shot the last of his henchmen and now Indigo has him. He's come all this way only to fall just short. He looks at his gun, so close yet it may as well be a mile away. He did all this only to be killed by who he believes to be his sister's killer.

Then Eastwood shows up and saves the day. Just one of the greatests moments in movie history.




I hate to say it, because then I end up sounding like my parents.

..but I'll say it, they really dont make em like this anymore. A zillion special effects, can't compete with the power and drama of the steady but beautifully framed shots of Leone the master.

Quality over quantity, thats the skill of Leone.



I agree, Leone's films are miles ahead of all the over-rated Christopher Nolan stuff we have to put up nowadays, and the worst thing is that people say Nolan's one of the best when he's miles away from somebody like Sergio.

"You brought two too many"-Harmonica


I have to say that after seen it many times and after seen once upon a time in america, I think that actually you could never see movies like those. I saw Inception tthat has got a high score here. It's a good movie also emotional ok, but they try to make complex movies and plots but after you see them many times you get bored immediately and you see that they looks like tvmovies... you cant maybe compare them but when you see sergio leone movies you understand how much they could enjoy you even after ten times. They are DEEP, people doesn't looks like actors but realistic epic characters... he was italian, i am too and proud of it... and I would advice everyone to hear the italian dubbing that make it something even more epic.


The ending of FAFDM is simply incredible, such drama, poignancy, and emotion all played out in the span of the final 15 minutes or so. The film has to be my favorite of all time. This Leone masterpiece simply has a natural huge heart to it.

By the way, I also saw "Inception" recently - all I can say is gawd, what a horrible mess and waste of time. I got through about half of it and couldn't take it anymore - the "off' button went "click" and I felt liberated - and free once again....!


Well, I can't say Inception is a movie I didn't enjoy the viewing.... simply being a colossal it retrieved 9/10 on imdb I think that the differences between old age directors and new ones simply shows the problems with the fact that actually none can reach something more than impossible plots with incredible Cg or action but few memorable moments... movie like Inception are great in some modern way but let you in some way "empty"... movies like FAFDM let you full of emotions and something more that simply a good popcorn movie.

I could say the same of movies like "once upon a time in america" where no words could decribe how deeply the entire product was imagined and realized.. with no cg no bull..it no absurd plots you could not understand cause there's NOTHING to understand but simply many wanted holes you should fill but you can't...


I think we can praise For a Few Dollars without having to trash modern movies. There are older movies that were pretty bad too, in hindsight, and there are great movies being made today. It doesn't have to be either/or.

That said, I agree with a lot that's been said here about the movie. One other thing that makes this my favorite is the humor. Manco's "poker game," the way Mortimer hunts down Cavanagh, and when Manco and Mortimer meet. And the jew's harp that plays during Mortimer's funny looks is just so absurdly random, but I love the irreverent atmosphere it gives the film.

And I love the awesome "team-up" aspect, with two distinctly different characters. If this had come out now, fans would probably grumble that The Man with No Name would never stoop to partnering with another bounty hunter, but it just works so well here. And the emotional payoff for Mortimer at the end just takes it to another level.



So I bought the trilogy on blu-ray because I had seen The Good, the bad and the ugly. I popped in A fistful of money and I was like meh, I found it a bit confusing and just not as epic was GBU. So wanting to go in order I watched "For a Few Dollars More" and all I have to say is WOW.

This movie was done really well. I'm not one to really enjoy "old" movies but a great movie is a great movie regardless of when it was made and this was a great movie. About an hour shorted than GBU, I think helps it as it felt to move faster and keep my attention. From introducing Manco and Mortimer to the the brutality of the bad guy killing the guy and his family who put him behind bars. I also loved how Manco would try to give Mortimer the slip but he'd be one step ahead of him, to the horror of the flashback of what the bad guy did to wrong him.

As for the ending I thought it was perfect. You could feel the pain in Mortimer's eyes knowing he had no chance of winning the duel with his gun on the ground, and then in steps Manco who could of let him get killed "1 vs 15" but instead gives him his gun to make the duel fair! The best part I think is how Mortimer never wanted the money for killing Indio it was always about revenge but he never let Manco know this till the end.

Lastly I just have to comment on why the hell are people comparing this to Inception? Two completely different movies. I think Nolan does great work, Momento and The Prestige being some of my favorites but that doesn't take away anything from this movie at all, like I said it is timeless.


How can you compare Sergio Leone to Christopher Nolan? They are completely different directors, and both exceptionally good at what they do. I don't think Inception, The Dark Knight, Memento and The Prestige are things we have to 'put up with', they are absolutely brilliant movies.

I think these old farts like you are missing out on modern masterpieces that are just as good as any of Leone's films, such as There Will Be Blood, The Assassination of Jesse James, City of God, The Wrestler etc etc etc.


'Old fart?' Mate I'm 17, but I still know what a good film is in my eyes. I agree with the films you mentioned being great, but I wouldn't say they're on par with Leone, who in a mere 7 movies changed cinema, and made 2 masterpieces (more than any other director to me) and 2 other near-masterpieces along the way.

I agree that Nolan and Leone are completely different, but people do compare them and if they're to be compared Leone is far superior. The Dark Knight was too flawed for me to go into, Inception I'll admit I haven't seen all of because I got fed up after about 1 1/2 hours, The Prestige I haven't seen and don't want to based on other Nolan movies and Memento, while well crafted, has no interesting characters, especially Teddy who was terrible villain, especially when compared to the Joker who I'll admit was brilliant, so I couldn't really care for anyone in the film.

"You brought two too many"-Harmonica


Well said. I was slightly nonplussed by Inception on the first viewing, but it has since become one of my favourite movies. I think we can be thankful that, in spite of the best attempts of Hollywood to bore its audiences to death with endless remakes and CGI-fests, there have been plenty of truly great films made in recent years.

Having said that, FAFDM is an inimitable masterpiece, and one of my most favourite movies of any genre. The final scene is operatic in its emotive splendour.


Exactly. Content and atmosphere. STORY, instead of big tits and explosions. Sadly, we have so very few true filmmakers, today. It's all CGI.


I think I've watched the final duel 300 times in the past 3 months:


It's just perfect in almost every way!


I too loved the ending (the whole movie really) but can we please refrain from tearing down other accomplished directors/movies in order to prop up this one?

It doesn't need the comparison.

BTW Inception is a great movie as well. It's all opinions but it too was made with skilled hands.


I loved the ending as well (and the whole film), but I particularly was drawn to the images of Monco "stacking and racking" his cart of "bounties", juxtaposed with Mortimer riding solo into the sunset after achieving a sense of fulfillment that the bounties themselves could never offer.

These Leone westerns are really timeless.

"Where life had no value, death, sometimes, had its price".


One of the best endings ever!





Definitely one of my favorite endings (I think it's very underrated).
