Ratbags Crow definitely was the comic relief for this film. I loved it as the plane was going into the storm and Standish went to the restroom and Ratbags replies, "Hey Standish, not while the train is in the station, eh?" Or when Dorfmann was making his observations on the plane wreckage, and he was wearing some type of cloth over his head to shield himself from the sun and Ratbags shouts in his thick Scotish accent, "Hey Abdul!" and Dorfmann doesn't hear him so he shouts again, "Hey Abdul!" and this time Dorfmann looks up and and Ratbags says, "Your mates came flashing through here on a herd of camels about an hour ago." To which he and the Sargent laugh hysterically. I was surprised to find out that he was in Braveheart as the leper Robert the Bruce Sr.