MovieChat Forums > Crack in the World (1965) Discussion > Coming to US DVD in later 2010

Coming to US DVD in later 2010

A new DVD company, Olive Films, has reportedly leased 27 Paramount titles for release in the second half of 2010. One of those titles is CRACK IN THE WORLD. A company spokesman claims that their DVDs will be pressed, rather than burned MODs. Reportedly, Olive Films' DVDs will be in their original aspect ratios.


About time.


Great because I will be getting this to replace my VHS DVD RIP which is not a great copy.

MY Forum < >


July 13th is the release date for the DVD.

reply is currently accepting pre-orders. However, the street date has been moved back to July 27 (from the original July 13). So, I guess it's going to take Dana Andrews two extra weeks to save the Earth!


Gotta watch this before the Gulf splits more and I have to LIVE IT!


I just ordered it from Amazon...saw it when I was a kid at a theatre that showed special matinee performances of kid-friendly films, usually movies that were a year or two old...really enjoyed it, although some of the imagery (upside down rockets to blow holes into the earth) was a tad absurd, even to a kid....havent seen it since the sixties, so I hope as an action film it still holds up.....


FYI, Olive Films is releasing it on Blu-ray on July, 5th, 2011.
