A Peculiar and Stilted Film
I just finished watching "Bunny Lake" for the first time, and not only was it unsuspenseful, I experienced the worst feeling one can with a film--BOREDOM! I don't really understand why Otto Preminger had such prestige in Hollywood. He had a lousy sense of timing, and could turn any interesting story (such as "Anatomy of a Murder") into an ill-timed, finger-tapping, yawning stretch. The acting was fakey, the plot turns made no sense whatsover, Olivier was completely wasted (and seemed embarrassed, to boot), Keir Dullard did his typical weirdo character, and the resolution was laughably ridiculous. Moreover, what was with Noel Coward's character? Ye gads, was he supposed to be a red herring, possibly a suspect, because he was a lascivious oddball? Why didn't the police interview him as a routine matter when they first went to the apartment? Well--at least it had the Zombies (although I don't know how that happened), and they're the only good thing in the film!