"Thanks for your opinion, critterdom, but I agree with crush. Your comment leads one to believe you blame Israel for everything. That would be quite gun ho on your part, don't you think?"
Yes, it would be, if it were what I thought. Unfortunately for you, I can have beliefs that don't fall within your strawman caricature. I can support Israel, AND America, without supporting every stupid policy they adopt. I think it's possible to support a country, while thinking some of that country's military decisions hurt that country. Unlike you, my brain can handle that dichotomy without exploding.
"So, critterdom, you're one of those liberals that believe the whole Iraq thing was strictly over oil?"
I certainly hope so. The only other alternative is that it was over Saddam Hussein having a dispute with Bush's Dad. And that possibility is even more depressing.
"How convenient for you to be able to compartmentalize the entire episode, going back years, into one easy answer for the cause of the problem."
How convenient for you to have no explanation whatsoever.
"My question to you, critterdom, is George Bush also responsible for the problem in Algiers?"
"After all he was at least 10 or 11 years old when it occurred. I figure the looney left will figure out a way to blame anything on Bush, including the Lindbergh kidnapping."
I figure talking to you is about as useful as talking to a rock. You're so smart, you know everything. That's why America's screwed, and Israel's not much better off. Because macho morons ran both countries into the ground.