I wish I had found this before.
I own the Kimba, The White Lion Ultra Edition Box Set and have watched all the episodes at least once(Some, a little to many times). My favorite Episode being "Soldier of Fortune." I saw absolutely nothing that really screamed out "OMG DISNEY DID RIP THIS OFF." Also, there;s a nifty little book that comes with the box set than explains everthing about Kimba. It even metions the contreversy about Disney ripping of Kimba. Here's one interseting tid bit, a lot of magizines printed exaggerated stories to keep the debate stirred up. One of them being, is that Disney went to court to stop Kimba merchandising here in America.
And also, in one of those websites where scenes are compared, how stupid can you be to do that? You know how many movies have similar looking scenes to other movies? Hell, I could say Daylight ripped of The Posiden Adventure if we wanna go be scene comparisons. Also, the whole Kimba and Simba name thing, Orginally, Kimba was gonna be called Simba, but they decided not to because it might be too hard to but a copyright on since Simba the Swahili word for Lion. And the guy you thought up the name based Kimbas name on a girls name Kim. The little book clears up a lot of things once you read it, but read the book itself, not some typed version on the internet, some people tend to leave out some parts that would clearly hurt their arguments.