Wonder how true this is

One of the main ways Hogan covered things up was to convince German's to lie to the High Command to keep out of trouble. The theory being that people would rather see the German cause harmed rather than get in trouble themselves.

I'm sure there was a lot of fear as in all dictatorships. It just seems to me that someone like Hochsetter , who represents the more fanatical Nazis, would put the cause before himself and tell the truth.


Klink and Burkhalter were in the Luftwaffe before Hitler took power. No strong loyalty there. Hochstetter owed his position to the Powers That Be in the Gestapo that, in turn,supported Dolph. But there were incidents in which Hoch acted in his self-interest or self-preservation as the case may be.


Everybody looks out for himself first, regardless of where or when we are talking about. Hochstetter got himself into some major snafus and he had no desire to end up in front of a firing squad.

I'd also point out that Hitler created the Luftwaffe, as it had been forbidden by the Versailles Treaty.

Keeping people straight since 1958. No need to thank me - I already know you are grateful.


I remember seeing a bit of a movie twce where john banner played a colonel and werner klemperer played his sergeant that is all I remember


You might have seen the episode of Hogan's Heroes
26 Sep. 1969 Hogan Goes Hollywood Making a movie Schultz dresses up as Klink and Klink dresses up as Schultz.

I put the F.U. in fun and the FUN in dysfunctionalî‚Ž
