Happy 60th, Elizabeth

Unless I'm gravely mistaken, today, the 19th of February, is the 60th birthday of Elizabeth 'Tippy' Walker.

If you happen by this message board, Elizabeth, let me offer unto you Congratulations on reaching a milestone--six decades of true originality and human spirit in the face of adversity, doldrums, evanescence and flux. I hope you see the positive side of your landmark birthday. You're a survivor. Keep hanging in there. Who knows? Your greatest artistic output might be yet to come. (Don't you think this would be a good time for the autobiographical one-woman play to be written and performed...?)

Regardless of what the future holds, please keep checking in with all your fans here at the IMDb. And again, Congratulations on reaching a fairly significant chronological milestone--try and have a truly Happy Birthday.

--R. W. Watkins--



Very fine and excellent post. We all wish the best for Elizabeth.


Thanks, you guys, I really appreciate all your tremendous support. Not to sound sappy. Rank renegades like myself need support systems at times and it seems now is one of those times for me, so it is great that I can tune in here and get positive feedback. Your meesages are fine presents, I have found and opened them with joy and appreciation. Thanks, again.
