Who is Elizabeth???

I've just been browsing through this films message board. I became interested in this film after finding out that Ghost World was kinda inspired by this film.
Now I haven’t seen the film yet (I brought it off eBay last week so it should be arriving next week) but I'm curious.
Who is Elizabeth? I keep seeing her name mentioned on this board.
Anyone care to enlighten me? Is Elizabeth Tippy Walker?


Yes, and her imdb monicker is whitedogandharriet. Her posts, which show up on several Henry Orient threads, make for very interesting reading. I hope you like the movie; it's very similar to Ghost World, but more family friendly.



Yes, I changed my name to Elizabeth in 84, actually my first name is Elizabeth; I used Elizabeth when doing Peyton Place for alot of episodes. My father had a cousin named Tibby and thought Tippy would be fun and less confusing for them as my grandmother, my mom's mom, was an Elizabeth. So rather than a nick name based on that name- all those raunchy elizabeth nick names- Tippy it was until I was attacked in 83 and a spiritualist told me that Elizabeth of all my names was the most stabilizing.......Now I really don't like being called Tippy.


The Tippecanoe River.
Tippi Hedron.
The Tippi Workshop (Trustworthy Interfaces for Passwords and Personal Information)
Tippi N Blevins (no idea what kind of stuff she writes)
Tipper Gore
Good and bad Tippers
Information Tipsters
Tippy Parrish stories (no idea)
Tippy O'Toole

and John Beresford Tipton (The Millionaire)

My apologies for this stupid post. A result of nervous pacing I guess.


Emily Tip
Tippy Toes
Tippy Canoe
Tip Tip
Madame Lazonga


Actually, I've always thought 'Tippy' was a nice young-girl's nickname--the sort of fun moniker I would want for a daughter of mine...if I had one....groan...(biological clocks tick for artsy males, too, folks...).


A friend of mine studied some version of the kabala(sp?) and interprets letters coordinating them with the tarot and "p" corresponds to the Tower, not so good. In a dream I had about it, the Tower had a different message about it from the usual interpretations, it showed that the Tower requires complete abandon, an utter leap of faith. I like that, but am also afraid of what it implies. Though I try for that kind of courage, to project it doesn't work too well for me.

So I don't use the letter p in any cat name or any name I choose for another.

Other controvertial letters

M = death archetype
V = valley of death
S = path of fire



Uh oh, Henry Orient is playing right now on TCM (12/1/06), and now you have another guy developing a crush on you! :) I've never seen this or you before.

I was like, "Who is this charming girl?" And came on here to learn more. Muhaha, the internet is lovely for that.

Val is bowing on the steps to Henry in the window. haha...cute.


I noticed that the Peter Sellers Appreciation Society (http://www.petersellersappreciationsociety.com/) has already published an interview with Merrie Spaeth. It would be nice to see another to provide a "bookend" - and in fact, the whole story of the two girls growing up could make a whole book, even a set (one in a red cover, one in a blue cover?)! Just thinking out loud, though, I'd hate to tell somebody what to do with their life, especially when they're busy with so many other things! Hope to see a Web site soon, in any case...


sheesh, who is this elizabeth?



It's 2:30am on the West Coast on November 18, 2007. After channel surfing for a while I saw that TCM was showing "The World of Henry Orient". As I am watching it now, it brought back nice memories. While in high school, I saw the movie when it first came out and developped a major crush on "Tippy". It's good to know Elizabeth is doing well today.


Hello Everyone,
My brother bought me a DVD on" The World of Henry Orient"
out of all the movies I have seen on TCM this one is my favorite.
Wish there was a way that I could contact Tippy Walker and Merrie Spaeth,
so I could thank them for making such an awesome movie.
It brings back child hood memories of good times I had with my girlfriends
that I no longer hear from. Memories that I'll treasure forever, close
to my heart. Thank you Merrie and Tippy, thank you.
Merry Christmas to both of you.


ETW, check you private messages. HN
