Do multiple versions of this film actually exist?
I first saw this movie as a teenager after blind buying a DVD copy off eBay years ago. It was advertised as including two versions of the film—a 123-minute original cut, and a 147-minute 'director's cut'.
Maybe the copy I received was a knockoff bootleg, because despite the DVD menu showing options for both versions, only the longer, director's cut could actually be selected and viewed.
Since my first viewing, Woman in the Dunes has been among my favorite movies, and I've watched it multiple times over the subsequent ~15 years. However, despite checking out several different sources, I've never come across a 123-minute cut of the film.
Does it actually exist somewhere? Has anyone seen it? Even if I'm never able to view it for myself, I'd at least like to know what the differences between the two versions are. For some reason though, I can't even find that info anywhere online.
It's a shame the board for this great film is so dead, but if anyone has any info on the shorter cut of the movie, I'd love to hear about it.