
My first reaction to this film was of confusion. I didn't really catch that the woman was being made to dig for water, and also just endlessy digging to save the others' houses. Because of this the existentialist theme, though still apparent, did not impact me much.

Reading about it now makes the film make perfect sense, and I'll definitely watch it again sometime...

Anybody feel the same way?


What? The woman wasn't digging for water, she was shovelling sand to keep it out of the house... oh well hold on, it was like this: she shovelled the sand to keep it out of the house and was rewarded by the villagers with water. Is that what you meant?

My first reaction to this film was "this is awesome". Then I saw it on the big screen... now in my top 5 favourite films, and unlikely to leave any time soon.

You can't spell "Godard" without "God"
