nudist colony?

i really like the pink panther series, but my brother wants to get some movies that kids would like for his day care. i was wondering if ther was any nudity in the nudist colony scene. i have never seen the film myself. thanks


All is well hidden.

..But it did happen.




The nudist colony scenes are very discreetely done, with a couple flashes of bottom cheeks, and that's about it.

hmm I was just about to ask why they say it has nudity because I didn't see any. But, I didn't see the wide-screen version though.


Day care kids should be watching Wizard of Oz and Toy Story, not an adult comedy. Is there anything bad? No. But it's for 10+.



Ditto. Don't show this to little kids. Better off sticking with Disney.


…or the Pink Panther cartoon.


I really don't get what's wrong with nudity... I'm nudist myself and on the beaches and camps we go, families all go together... nothing with exhibitionism, just people feeling natural and comfortable with who and how they are.

Nudism is only sexual if you want it to be.


Yeah, Return of the Pink Panther is awesome (I like it better than this one, but maybe I'm just immature). And it's G-rated to boot.


I think it depends on the kids. I saw this when it came out and I was seven. I understood almost everything and laughed my head off.

You've got me?! Who's got you?!


Tell your brother he should close down his daycare and force more people to stay at home and raise their kids, even if the "single mothers" have to move back in with their own parents. Daycare is the shame of America.


Kids don't care about nudity. The first three years of our lifes we cannot possibly understand the concept of shame. It takes a few more years after that to brainwash us into thinking there is something wrong with nudity.

"Who died and made you president Nixon?"
- Peter Griffin


Speaking for myself, I know if I'd seen this as a kid, I wouldn't have been bothered by the nudity (a little titillated, if anything). The fact that four innocent people are killed would have disturbed me no end, however.


"Kids don't care about nudity. The first three years of our lifes we cannot possibly understand the concept of shame."

What blanket statements you write.

Some kids care about nudity, some think it's fun and clothes are bothersome, it doesn't occur to others to even distinguish between 'nude' and 'clothed', others might be enjoying clothes very much. Give a kid a poncho and watch them have fun with it.

Don't paint a group of people with a broad brush based on a bodily thing like physical age! It's no better than racism - in fact, it's the EXACT same premise, just focusing on number instead of color.

Obviously there's 'development of brain' and 'RE-learning' of values, ways and thought patterns of the physical world, but it doesn't mean the kids don't or can't 'possibly' (a stupid word to use here) 'understand' (whatever you mean by this) some concept. They might have forgotten about it, but that understanding is still within them, even if it's LATENT.

You have to realize sooner or later, that people are not CREATED by so-called 'birth' (which is only the creation of the physical body, that allows someone to comes to this world FROM a different dimensional existence we mostly visit when we dream and then forget, because the frequencies differ so much we can't retain the memories when we lower ourselves back to this level).

When you realize this much - you are not your body, you HAVE a body temporarily - you can begin to be shocked as to how much WRONG exists in your short post.

First, no one mentioned three-year olds specifically, so you drew THAT number out of your .. hat.

Second, the first three years of an incarnation are CERTAINLY not the first three year of anyone's life!

Third, you spell plural of life with a 'V', like this: "lives". You could have used a singular instead anyway - 'the first three years of our life' - it's almost as if you sub-consciously KNEW there are more 'lives' than one (incarnation, reincarnation, deincarnation and so on)


Fourth, you can't "possibly" know what other people can "possibly" understand at any age. You are not a blank state when you appear to this world, you come with past incarnations, knowledge, wisdom, skills, abilities, memories and understanding of ALL KINDS of concepts. Just because the body you are inhabiting isn't quite developed enough yet to give you access to express that understanding very eloquently, doesn't mean it's not there SOMEWHERE.

This means, 'the concept of shame' can be understood by someone living in a 1-second-old physical body, a newborn already knows all kinds of stuff, they have just forgotten a lot of it and their access to a lot of it is delayed due to requirements of the physical world - they HAVE to focus on the task at hand first, to learn how to live and cope in the physical side, to re-learn how to use vocal cords to form sounds and thus speech, and so on.

You'd be surprised how much someone I knew understood BEFORE they could speak. I asked them to point at things, and they always pointed at the correct thing, and this astonished me, as someone who can't yet even speak is not supposed to know or understand much, especially 'concepts'.

Fifth, who says 'nudity' equals 'shame'? First you say kids don't CARE about it, then you cay they can't understand 'shame' as a concept. Wait a moment, since when did we move from 'nudity' to 'shame'? Shame has nothing to do with nudity. Shame is a learned, psychological construct, when it has to do with natural things, like nudity (we come to this world nude, so why WOULD kids be bothered by nudity? After all, that's the first thing they (re-)know about this world!)

You can feel shame if you do something bad or unnatural, but to feel shame about a natural thing like nudity makes no sense unless it's been HAMMERED into you. Are you filled with guilt and shame every time you take a shower? Does using the toilet make you sweat profusely because of the shame of the nudity?


I think what you are TRYING to say is that kids don't view nudity as something bad or shocking, but adults feel ashamed about letting kids see nude people, so that's why nudity and sex is so much more controlled than war and violence. Then again, I saw plenty of nude people when my body was a kid (I never identified or felt as a 'kid', I was always telling people I am actually an adult, but of course no one took me seriously - I had a similar experience when I was completely sober one night when we were drinking heavily, but my physical body was drunk - it was a surreal experience and happened to me only once, but guess if anyone believed me when my drunken-sounding, stammering mouth in a body with bad balance tried to tell people that I am actually completely sober, it's just my body that's drunk..), and it felt natural and normal to me.

After all, human body is something we all temporarily inhabit, what's so special about whether it's clothed or not? I think it has to do with sexuality and arousal; it'd be deeply embarrassing to be part of causing something like that to inappropriate audiences, or something.

People need to stop this fantasy about 'blank slate' - kids are not created out of thin air, they are people with PAST, with memories, with experiences, skills, etc. You can't explain prodigies with any other way that would make as much sense - Mozart wasn't good because he somehow developed faster than other people. He was good because he had been practicing for numerous incarnations, and because of THAT, he reached an amazingly high skill level and understanding in the world of music.

You can never match his genius level no matter WHAT you do, because one incarnation is not enough for that kind of (or spiritual) learning. One incarnation is too short time for spiritual cultivation, and you can realize this thinking about how big the Universe is (or watching those youtube videos that have so much propaganda about things before they reveal the scales).


What kind of point would there be to just be created, live ONE incarnation in some randomly selected body and circumstances (you must think the Creator HATES crippled people and retarded-body visitors), and then that's it, no point, no continuance, no existence, when in that short time, even with a REALLY fast spaceship, you could only experience a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, minuscule fraction of even just the physical side, let alone if you start considering other dimensions and frequencies of existence..

Your nihilistic theory makes no sense, no matter how you think about it, and what I explained here, explains EVERYTHING perfectly, just like Earth being round explains every single phenomenon that have ever been recorded or studied about the planet, the moon, the other planets, stars, etc., but flat theories always HAVE to just leave some things as 'mysteries'.

Progidies being old souls = perfectly logical explanation (round Earth).
Prodigies just 'somehow happening', dunno = illogical, unnecessary 'mystery' (flat Earth)

Don't be flat, be round.

