Question about the Bumble tooth extraction scene
Remember the scene where the characters knock the Bumble out and Hermey pulls out all of his teeth? Well, I remember that scene differently from when I was a kid. I remember Hermey helping the Bumble by pulling ONE tooth because it was giving him problems. And apparently, I'm not the only one who recollects it. I've searched on the internet and found message boards and forums discussing the "toothache" version of the scene and a lot of people seem to remember that one from their childhood. While watching the special on CBS recently, I was a little shocked by Hermey just casually ripping out the Bumble's teeth. Not in a "oh my god, how horrible" way, but in the way that I didn't remember it happening the way it played out. On the same token, I'm well aware that CBS has butchered this Christmas special over the years (removing scenes and certain music), so I'm not sure if there's an alternate scene where Hermey helps the Bumble and CBS just replaced it or whatever. So does this scene exist or is this just a case of a lot of people remembering it incorrectly?
P.S., From what I've read online, the book apparently makes mention of the Bumble's toothache.