MovieChat Forums > Onibaba (1965) Discussion > Unlike Hachi, I wouldn't have passed up ...

Unlike Hachi, I wouldn't have passed up the old woman's offer...

...she was seriously sexy.



I've just finished making love to her now, she was pretty good


She died fifteen years ago at age 70, so she must have been looking pretty hot.


She'd need to wipe off the horrid make up she wore, smile for once and dye that gray out. Then, maybe.


Hachi was so ugly, I can't see him turning down any offer.

I ain't your friend, palooka.


Yeah, really.

The actress was only 40 years old at the time, so it was funny to hear her referred to as "old woman". Obviously that was old in the 1400s, but still, she had her looks.


Yea she was hardly old , she was maybe late 30s lol.
I prefered her but i could have handled them both.


hahahaaa - she wasnt really all that old, maybe just approaching middle age - idve hit it in a heartbeat..


Yeah. She really wasn't bad-looking at all. The actress was only 40, according to Wikipedia. Actually she would have been 39 when the movie was being filmed, because it was released in November 1964 and she turned 40 in October of that year. So yeah, she really wasn't very old, and I guess the makeup department had to make her look older than she was.

The character wasn't very pleasant as a human being, though. But then again, neither was Hachi. I wouldn't have turned her down if I were him.


She was gross, lol

What are you guys on
