Why was there a naked person just lying there when Hachi goes to trade with the merchant?
It looked as if they were lying on one side of a giant set of scales, as if naked people where used in place of weights to measure stuff in medieval Japan. haha
oh... from the angle, I couldn't even tell if it was a man or a woman. haha. If it was about sex then they could have made it more clear. Was he really going to do it right there? It seems odd that even if people had degraded to that, they'd surely be doing it somewhere out of the way. Plus, the naked person didn't even look malnourished, so how could be they that desperate for food...
People were a little more casual about that back then. Especially poor people, peasants and the like, who didn't have big houses that gave them much privacy. Only the rich could afford privacy back then. Poor people lived in one-room huts like the two women in this movie. And they were in the countryside. Poor people in cities had even less privacy, living in little shacks all crowded together. So stuff like that was more out in the open than it is now.
The Japanese in particular didn't start getting really prudish about nudity and sex until the Europeans came along and brought Christianity into the country. Even then its effect wasn't very strong until the Meiji restoration when Japan started thoroughly modeling itself after Europe and North America. The same happened in many other countries colonized or otherwise influenced by Europe/America. For example, in most parts of the world, laws against homosexuality didn't exist until the British or French colonialists imposed them.
Incidentally, you know how genitals are always blurred out in Japanese porn? That's from a law that dates to the Meiji era.