The ring

After the ball, when Eliza was giving the jewelry back to Higgins, she asked about a ring. She said it was the one he had given her in Brighton. Was there a deleted scene from the movie showing them in Brighton? It just seemed kind of pointless to be talking about a ring when we never saw him give it to her.


There is no deleted scene. I've always taken it for granted that this line of dialogue merely establishes that they had some kind of life, with occasional outings, outside his study. I never felt the need to see it. There are also random statements to indicate that Eliza adopted the role of pseudo-secretary to Higgins. Again, no need to see it all.


She said it was the one he had given her in Brighton.

I always wanted to see the moment of when he gave her the ring, partly because it sounds like it may have been a nice break from the rigorous lessons. It also indicates the possibility of there being more to their relationship during the time she was being tutored.

An important characteristic of many love stories is when characters are having intimate, yet innocent moments together (if that makes sense ). Him giving her a ring falls under that category.


I've always wanted to see it myself. Someone needs to write a fanfic about the ring! :-)


Why must there be a scine wwhere this happens? Does every moment need to be seen I'm sure they went to the bathroom as well.
There is more Gravy about you then the Grave. Scrooge.


Yes it might have been nice to see such a scene as it would have been that first inkling that Higgins saw Eliza as something more than just a vehicle to prove a point. But the purpose of this is to show us how upset Eliza is and how determined she is at that moment to demonstrate this to the Professor. And she does that by returning to him the one personal gift he gave her, the one concrete object that connects the two.


And it says something that Henry seems genuinely angry and upset that she's returning it...the one bit of jewelry that wasn't just a rental, the one piece he gave her personally.


I'm going on memory here (a quite faulty one), but I think in PYGMALION, it's stated that Eliza takes over Mrs. Pearce's purely secretarial duties, i.e., answering correspondence, paying creditors, arranging lessons for students, and even learning shorthand so she can take letters as well. Of course, I may be completely wrong!

May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?


I have always wondered that too!!! I feel like there might be somewhere...


In my mind, I always imagine a reprise of "Servants' Chorus" after the failed Ascot experiment, where we see Higgins try to polish up Eliza some more for the upcoming Embassy Ball. In one of the sequences, we see their Brighton excursion.

I don't know why they didn't do this for the movie. It's very jarring to go from after Ascot, when Pickering is trying to persuade Higgins to quit while he's ahead, to suddenly being the night of the ball.

