Am I only one who can't stand AH in this movie?
Yes, she was very pretty, to the point of being hypnotic---- but she had a very limited range, and it was never more on display than in this movie. Her performance is an astonishingly hammy, one-note, over-the-top interpretation that somehow manages to make Eliza nothing more than annoying. Except for her beauty, there is nothing attractive in this character to make Freddy or Higgins fall madly in love with her.
Perhaps Hepburn was defensively trying to prove that she was every bit as good as Julie Andrews, who had made the part her own on Broadway (and was a genuinely talented, subtle actress who could handle both stage and screen). And part of it is the script---- Eliza is not written with much depth or appeal. But IMHO, Hepburn just makes this movie excruciating. She screams, cries and whines her way through the entire film, seemingly incapable of communicating any other way. (And damn, she had such an ENORMOUS mouth---- it seems like it's wide open for half the running time!)
I guess what bugs me the most is that Eliza may have a different accent at the beginning, but she is still the same person---- you need to see her intelligence, ambition and appeal right from the beginning. But Hepburn plays her as almost a mental idiot in the first half, screaming wildly at the idea of a bath and saying over and over, "I'm a good girl, I am!!" In the second half suddenly she is supposedly fascinating, although she's still screaming and throwing shoes as a method of communicating. YAWN.
Sorry, I know many people loved her in this but it looked like bad community theater to me. I think Andrews would have done a MUCH better job.
(Please, no snark in response. You're welcome to agree or not, but don't waste time being a jerk, thanks.)