Heartbreak...what a poor film
I have never been one to compare book to movie as one is almost always disappointed but this one is the exception. The book, Fate is the Hunter, is the finest work by one of our finest aviation writers, Ernest Gann. It is a loose autobiograph of one of the most interesting men I have ever read about. When I leared to fly 20 years ago, my instructor told me that every fledgling flyer had to read this book to get a sense of what it was like to fly in the early days of civil aviation in this country...and boy was he right. There are so many great stories in that book that I just don't understand why the creators of the movie had to come up with a phony story. I love Rod Taylor and Glenn Ford, but this movie was a great disappointment to me. I would recommend that if you did enjoy the film, please go out and buy a copy of the book. You don't have to be a pilot to fall in love with it.