Finally on DVD!

(NOTE: Post is edited since "Fate's" availability from Screen Archives has come, and gone.)

Good things come to those who (have been forced to) wait!

"Fate is the Hunter" comes to DVD (limited issue) from Screen Archives ... LIMITED to 3,000 copies I believe.


Got it ! Great transfer, full widescreen. Few extras, such as theatrical trailer, separate audio track highlighting score. However, have to watch, or fast forward, thru a few commercials for other DVDs.


Yes, a superb transfer (though I thought the sound was a bit weak, just slightly, in a couple of brief spots). The first time Fate is the Hunter has ever been on home video of any kind. With a limited edition of only 3000, get it while you can.

I also got Twilight Time's previous release, Violent Saturday, equally excellent. One quibble: I don't mind having few if any extras, but scene selection would be useful. Also, I agree, the promos for their future DVDs should be moved to the end of the film, or made part of the menu, not forced on you before the film. (The trailers on the FITH DVD, for Woman Obsessed and The Egyptian, were in terrible shape.) There were no such trailers on the Violent Saturday disc.

Twilight Time will be continuing their releases of Fox films beyond the first five announced but some of the titles that I've heard may be coming don't sound all that interesting.


"Fate Is the Hunter" has been on home video for quite a while before this Twilight Time release, with a very good DVD issued in Spain. Many films have been released on DVD in Spain... you name it, Billy Wilder's "Buddy Buddy", Gordon Douglas' "Rio Conchos", Mark Robson "Nine Hours to Rama", Bernhard Wicki's "The Visit", etc. Check any on-line shop with a wide offer of products and you will find these and many more.


This is true, but we're talking about Region 1 releases in North America. I own a number of R0, R2 and other foreign DVDs but an R1 version is always preferable if you live in the U.S. or Canada. (Wilder's Ace in the Hole and Powell's 49th Parallel, to name two, were also long available on Spanish DVDs, but the American releases from Criterion are certainly superior.)
