MovieChat Forums > Fate Is the Hunter (1964) Discussion > Best Line in the movie......

Best Line in the movie......

Rod Taylor : "If your number is up, why fight it ? If not, why worry about it ?"


Actually, I have to say my favorite line in the movie came when Wally Cox was telling of their flight over Norway I think it was...

Cox: "How can you be so calm at a time like this?"

Taylor: "Landing field is right over that ridge."

Cox: "How do you know that?"

Taylor: "Has to be, we're almost out of gas."


That line is an indirect quote from JFK to Jackie the day he was shot in Dallas.


frankly, the line I still remember most from this movie comes from the title....when Glenn Ford is asked at a commitee hearing what he thought the cause of the accident was, his response was, "it was fate.".....and even when I saw it as a kid, I had to smirk, because, although true, the statement probably wouldnt hold much water to people who lost love ones, or to those who sought legal action against the airline......


Yeah well he looked pretty worried when he saw that wooden pier coming at him.


JFK ran out of gas in Dallas??


No, JFK is supposed to have said something like 'if your numbers up...' to Jackie. Not sure if story is true, tho.
