Best Line in the movie......
Rod Taylor : "If your number is up, why fight it ? If not, why worry about it ?"
shareRod Taylor : "If your number is up, why fight it ? If not, why worry about it ?"
shareActually, I have to say my favorite line in the movie came when Wally Cox was telling of their flight over Norway I think it was...
Cox: "How can you be so calm at a time like this?"
Taylor: "Landing field is right over that ridge."
Cox: "How do you know that?"
Taylor: "Has to be, we're almost out of gas."
That line is an indirect quote from JFK to Jackie the day he was shot in Dallas.
sharefrankly, the line I still remember most from this movie comes from the title....when Glenn Ford is asked at a commitee hearing what he thought the cause of the accident was, his response was, "it was fate.".....and even when I saw it as a kid, I had to smirk, because, although true, the statement probably wouldnt hold much water to people who lost love ones, or to those who sought legal action against the airline......