Best roman film ever

Having watched it once again tonight,i have come the conclusion that this film is easily the best made,directed and most epic roman film ever.
That is i know a big thing to say,with a lot of healthy competition mainly and rather sadly coming from the same era,with only gladiator more recently offering any real threat(started great,bored me by the end,and a bit of a silly ending to).
But this film was just wonderful,great acting from plummer and boyd,and also a great performence from guinness that when people talk about him,dont really mention this film.
Also got to love the forest battle,and the huge roman vs persian fight mid way,that was awesome,i loved the bit with the two romans watching the huge persian army marching along,trying to work out what to do,and whos side to fight on,i reckon they nicked that bit for the lord of the rings film the two towers and when arragon sees the urak-kai horde coming closer to helms deep.
The sets to where amazing,pre cgi,and lots of extras really made it look totaly epic in nature.
My top three for you all to laugh at would be this lot here,feel free to take the piss.
1 The fall of the roman empire
2 spartucus
3 gladiator


The sets to where amazing,pre cgi,and lots of extras really made it look totaly epic in nature.
Yeah, it's funny how that really does make a difference. It feels so much more real, doesn't it? The scene of the triumph in Rome transports me to another, totally convincing, world.
feel free to take the piss.
Well, that's not necessary at all. But I confess I'm not a great fan of Gladiator, if only because in most of the departments where I love Fall of the Roman Empire, Gladiator is inferior: script, sets, music etc. Don't get me wrong: there are some good things in Gladiator, it's just that it isn't in the same league for me, and I don't have any special fondness for it.

Call me Ishmael...


My problem with gladiator,is after the really cool start,and the arena scenes,the ending seemed to be very poor.All the time hes going on about getting his army into the city,to help him,and then it does not happen,we get the really hollywood ending which i liked at the time,but now seems really funny.
When connie neilson says "he was a soldier of rome who will help carry him",i laughed out loud,its just the way she said it,i wish we had got a nice large scale battle at the end,so apart from that i did love it,great soundtrack to.
