They will never get Commodus right
Christopher Plummer was so miscast in the role of Commodus. They will never get him right. In Gladiator they definitely strayed from the real person. They used the name, but the Commodus in Gladiator was their own fictional character. Someday there should be a movie about Commodus that is fair and doesn't try to make him a villain. The best actor to play Commodus that I've seen is Alan Steel in a movie called The Rebel Gladiator. He was muscular and athletic the way the real Commodus was. The real Commodus looked like Hercules, was very handsome, very athletic, a skilled swordsman and a fine marksman. He fought in the arena to probably show off. He also believed he was Hercules reborn. He even went around dressed like Hercules and carried a club. The next Commodus I see in a movie should be like this. He's painted as a villain in movies. In Gladiator they had him a little mixed up with Caligula or Nero. I've read that he was more popular than his enemies would lead you to believe. The military loved him and the common people loved him. There are ridiculous stories that try to say he cheated in the arena. A man that believed he was Hercules reborn that even looked the part and could fight, would have no reason to cheat. In the arena he beat the best gladiators and killed beasts with one shot of his arrow. He was even merciful. He would never try to make the animals suffer. His kills would always be swift. When he had a gladiator beat, he would let them live. The terrible things written about Commodus were obviously written by his enemies to justify his murder.