Pure gold!

The dance hall scene in particular, you have to see it to believe it! I was laughing my ass off the whole time, this is what comedy is all about!


You seen the mst3k version?


No I have not, I'm assuming it's a more funnier version.


The mst3k episode is one of my favorites. It's a movie I remember seeing as a kid and was kinda freaked by it because of the washed out look and the narration with so little dialog. The fact that nobody could get away from this slow moving monster was just bizarre to me as a kid.

BTW, the dance hall scene has some of the best riffing.

"(upbeat rock/jazz music playing) "While Martin and Brett were engaged by the search , the monster was moving towards the community dance hall." Where a close knit community mourns its dead."

The inexplicable fight scene:

"Keanu Reeves has it out with Ed Begley Jr.!"

Have you ever seen the movie that's about the making of Creeping Terror?


I have not, sounds interesting!


Now I'm going to have to see this movie 😂
