Finally out on DVD!

Good news - "Behold A Pale Horse" was released on DVD in 2005 by Sony. It claims to be "Anamorphic Widescreen" but it looks like fullscreen to me. No special features at all, but it has subtitles available in English, Spanish and Korean.



I have that DVD. It's in 1.85:1, which is listed as the original aspect ratio on the film's page. The DVD was a $3 Big Lots score. Life is good!

We got women talking back. We got people playing stringed instruments. It's the end of days.


Yeah, I paid three bucks for this thing and paid too much. I bought it last year and finally watched it last night.


Watching the film on TCM the other day, It occured to me how much better it would have been in colour. Gregory Peck crosses the pyrenees in the final third of the film and the scenery would have been glorious.


I bought a 2014 release from Mill Creek Entertainment (UPC: 683904533487, cover has bull's eye on Peck). It has 16:9 aspect, no special features, and no subtitles. It is so dark that some scenes look like exposed negative. In addition to being very dark, the contrast is way too high. Instead of around 20 chapters, this one has only 4 chapters. Avoid this disc.
I don't have a dog. And furthermore, my dog doesn't bite. And furthermore, you provoked him.


Nice I really liked this movie.
