not in aus?

I've heard a lot about this movie. Anybody know why it wasn't released in Australia? Rumour has it that it wasn't and I can't find it anywhere, so I believe that.


im from australia it isnt released here i had to get my copy from amazon.

"The only Abnormality is the incapacity to love"


I remember it being shown on television in Australia. It was pretty rare in the 1960s for a film to be shown on TV without a cinema release.


This film is being shown currently on TCM in Australia. I watched it a few hours ago.

If you don't have pay-tv, maybe you can get someone to record it for you.

I need a man, not a boy!
"Grown Up World"


While the DVD might not have been released in Australia this movie was given a theatrical release in Sydney 1965. It was screened at the Liberty, one of the M-G-M city cinemas as well as their suburban circuit.
