The killing of the widow played by Irene Pappas is an honor killing, but done in a way to show how the honor system is often abused in societies where it exists, becoming a way to simply off people (especially vulnerable women) because of personal grudges and sexism.
Being a mediterranean rural society, there would logically be a tabu against an unattached woman being sexually active, especially with a foreigner. She can then be blamed for the death of the young local man she had rejected. Being a widow she is already carrying around the stigma of having survived her husband, plus every man in the town seems to desire her but she has turned them all away. Then you add the jealousy of the other women in the town, and she easily becomes a sacrificial victim on the "altar" of the town's honor.
And yes, Alan Bates is supposed to look wimpy for not defending her and not suffering very much at her loss. It shows how he does not fit in there, never will, and every attempt he makes ends in disaster.