Terror on dinosaur island episode

I'm watching this episode on MeTV right now and noticed that the dinosaur scenes are from the movie 'The Lost World' 1960, which happened to be directed by Irwin Allen and starred David Hedison. Saving on special effects I imagine.

The goofs for this episode mentioned a woman screaming during the dinosaur fight. I'm sure that was Jill St. John from The Lost World.

It's not a tumor


Ha! The editor did a sloppy job with the "Lost World" footage because you can hear a quick scream from Jill St. John in the dinosaur battle footage used in "Terror on Dinosaur Island". The best part of this episode was the comaradere between Nelson and Sharkey. Later episodes would team the two of them again as the chemistry between them works well.

BTW, I believe another four episodes used footage of the lizards from "The Lost World". The first season b&w episode, "Turn Back the Clock" (w/Hedison wearing clothes from "Lost World" so footage of him from the film could be used); Year three's "Night of Terror"; and fourth season's "Death Clock". One other episode had a dinosaur, "A Time to Die", but it was tinted footage of a stop-motion Bronotosaurus from Irwin Allen's documentary, "The Animal World".


Hey thanks. I THOUGHT there was a dinosaur episode where Hedison was dressed the same as when he was in Lost World. Laughing here.

And now, my beloved disciples. The moment of truth... the needle of love


That's right. There's even a scene of Hedison tying a scarf around his neck so it would match the scenes from Lost World.

I had always wondered why the diving bell would have a rifle rack. Would there have been a normal need for 4 rifles in an 8 foot diameter sphere that was only designed for deep water exploration?

He who fights and runs away, lives to run away again!


I just watched Turn Back The Clock on Hulu, and I was fascinated at how the entire second half was lifted almost verbatim from Lost World, with just enough variation to make it seem (soft of) different. The worst example of film recycling I've ever seen in a TV show.


Actually, I thought that scream of the dinosaurs sounded a lot like the TIE Fighter sound effect from Star Wars.


Now that you mention it....

Never get involved in a land war in Asia


I saw both when I was a kid, and I have to tell you it confused the heck out of me. LOL I saw the movie sometime AFTER the footage was used in Voyage. But I'm not sure I actually saw the Voyage episode, just the preview for it. That added to my confusion, I can tell you! LOL

I was only able to solve this mystery of my youth after information came out on sites like IMDB.
