The Term "wetback"
ðĩðððēð―îŠI'm re-watching the series and so far I've heard that term used twice. Crazy what was ok to say back in the sixties.
ðĩðððēð―îŠI'm re-watching the series and so far I've heard that term used twice. Crazy what was ok to say back in the sixties.
Not crazy...just not afraid of saying what was it's too PC..too scared to say anything for fear of offending someone.
shareYeah maybe it wasn't the most preferable of terms to say and use, even then, but it still just wasn't something to get so massively worked up and offended over back then. As opposed to these so-called 'enlightened' days when even a word like bossy is considered to be a term that's offensive and demeaning towards women.
"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".
I was really shocked when I heard it too. I wouldn't be so shocked to hear it now. There is a difference between P.C. and just plain insulting.
Annoying the world since 1960!
I do agree with you as far as there being a difference between political correctness and the use of certain insults or slurs towards a specific group of people. As I said, it was obviously a word that shouldn't have been used on TV even during that particular time. And I can understand that certain people would be very insulted by hearing such a term being used on network TV either today or back then. I only made the comment that there simply wasn't the same kind of hysteria back then when such words were used. If people were deeply offended by it in those days then they would simply change the channel and not continue to watch the show anymore and that was that.
"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".
It was term which was perfectly acceptable to mainstream America during the 1950s and 60s, even being used by the media and the Federal government (the 1954 "Operation Wetback" program to deport migrant workers). I recommend taking a look at this report from NPR on the evolution of the terms used to describe what's now called illegal immigrants or undocumented workers. The wetback term was not considered offensive until the early 1970s, at which point you can see that it quickly disappeared from the nation's major newspapers to be replaced with illegal alien.
Also, check out this 1972 interview with Cesar Chavez. He uses the word wetback in a very straightforward manner, even defining the term immediately after he says it ("these are the illegals from Mexico").
So while it may seem crazy to you what was considered OK to put on TV back then, imagine what it would be like if the writers and producers of The Munsters came back today and saw what modern television shows get away with compared to what was permissible in the 1960s.
Donald Trump recently mentioned "Operation Wetback" and said even he was offended by the name.
Annoying the world since 1960!
Donald Trump recently mentioned "Operation Wetback" and said even he was offended by the name.
Was watching "The Rifleman" and Mark used the term "pepper gut".
shareOk so we've all pretty much established the fact that this show(as well as some others from back then) sometimes used certain words that are seen as being quite shocking, disrespectful and unacceptable to many of today's audience in 2016. My very simple advice though is that if some posters on here are especially offended by certain words and/or terms that were used in a tv show from half-a-century ago, then simply don't continue to view it anymore. But there are also many of us on here who realize and understand that it was quite a different time back during those 2 or 3 years that The Munsters was first broadcast on network television, and that we don't at all hold such things against the show because we simply understand the way language was used in those particular times, whether it was good, bad or indifferent to certain people out there.
"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".