Herman: fag?
Is Herman smoking a cigarette in one of those IMDB photos? It looks like they've tried to crop it out - was he ever seen smoking in the show?
Is Herman smoking a cigarette in one of those IMDB photos? It looks like they've tried to crop it out - was he ever seen smoking in the show?
Just so you know a "fag" is what a lot of people call a "cigarette" in the UK.
So the title does make perfect sense to what the man posted!.
"It's some kind of f!cking distraction from those sh!tnicks!."
i live in america am 22 a do not smoke!!! In the muppet show about a decade later George Burns revealed that he smoked 20 cigars a day, most likely he was smoking back then too, I did not know him personally...
shareYes, he's smoking a cigarette. I don't believe IMDB attempted to crop it out, I think the cropped appearance is a function of the thumbnail image (click on it and you'll get a full sized image of Herman clearly smoking a cigarette).
To the best of my memory, Herman was never shown smoking on the program. However, both Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis were heavy smokers (cigarettes and cigars respectively). They would light up whenever there was some down time in filming, and Yvonne DeCarlo once remarked that they were fun to be around but a little hard to take in a confined area due to the constant smoking. Lewis of course made cigar-smoking one of Grampa's traits, so that enabled him to sometimes continue smoking even while filming.
moundshroud: "To the best of my memory, Herman was never shown smoking on the program."
In one episode, Herman takes a bit part in a movie to make money. His part is a member of the French Foreign Legion, facing execution. He is given a last cigarette. Lilly, believing that the execution is real, stops it. Herman mutters something about not wanting to leave, because "There are few good drags left on this cigarette."
I think the episode is:
Good point, I recall that episode now that you mention it. So evidently Herman had smoked at one time (not surprising given his age) but gave it up since we never really see him smoke elsehwere in the series.
Thanks, Moundshroud - it's great to get insights like that.
I was being a tad mischievous with the title - I posted something a long time ago about Hermann being slightly camp and fey and a lot of people leapt to his defence! (Not that there's anything wrong with it...)
I think everyone in the 60s smoked.
The past doesn't exist and the future is only an illusion.
About 42% of the adult U.S. population smoked in 1965, compared to about half that amount now.
And back then it was much more pervasive - smoking was almost everywhere: the home, the workplace, restaurants, teacher's lounges, even hospitals and airplanes.
It seems incredible now about the planes and hospitals, plus I remember in the cinema looking up and seeing the clouds of smoke in the beams of the projector.
I'm a Prick With a Fork.
I wouldn't be surprised. The anti smoking nazis have gone so overboard that they go completely nuts if they see somebody with a cigarette. I quit smoking three years ago because it's become a rich man's sport and the feds steal almost as much on tobacco taxes as they do on gasoline taxes. The one thing I don't understand is that most of the anti smoking goons are rabid liberals who are always complaining if they see somebody smoking a cigarette within 200 yards of them, but at the same time they're the same ones screaming to legalize marijuana. Are they really too stupid to realize that when you smoke a joint it makes smoke too?
shareyou are so right about the smoking nazi's, hell you can't do anything now days without offending some whimp..
You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..
Better Living Thru Chemistry
Well, I'll tell ya one thing. Even though I quit smoking a few years ago, I still miss having a cigarette after eating or after a cup of coffee. And you are soooooo right about these weasels who can't go through a day without claiming they're 'offended' about one thing or another.
You mean like the use of the word "fag" in an obviously jocular fashion?
I'm a Prick With a Fork.
I've never called a cigarette a fag, although I've heard it in British movies. But if using the word gets the politically correct liberals all out of whack I would definitely use it in a jocular fashion. LOL : )
I've never called a cigarette a fag, although I've heard it in British movies. But if using the word gets the politically correct liberals all out of whack I would definitely use it in a jocular fashion. LOL : )
no, no, no. you're not using it correctly. you're not going far enough. If you want to REALLY get these pc liberals all out of whack, you have to use it like the British do and either say
"I'm going to light up a fag now" or "I'm going to light up some fags now".
depending on if you smoke only one or smokee more than one in a row.
Then these pc liberal wackos will all take it as "that racist said he's going to burn all the gays at the stake".
I've even seen posts now by these pc liberal wackos actually calling gays (homosexuals) a "race" now.
<<<I wouldn't be surprised. The anti smoking nazis have gone so overboard that they go completely nuts if they see somebody with a cigaret
I don't smoke and never have, but earlier today, I was at an outside city park.
right next to the public sidewalk (not a part of the park)
and signs up "no smoking allowed", not even outside, here in the U.S
I knew they banned in inside public buildings in my state.
But I was suprised to find it banned outside also, as I never heard that reported on the news,
just the inside public buildings was reported on the news.
I quit smoking a few years ago myself. But it enrages me to see the govt. getting involved telling people they can't smoke anywhere, even outside. This is just another example of big brother pushing his weight around. I guess next they'll be telling people they can't smoke in their own homes.
share>>>The one thing I don't understand is that most of the anti smoking goons are rabid liberals who are always complaining if they see somebody smoking a cigarette within 200 yards of them, but at the same time they're the same ones screaming to legalize marijuana.
yep. they're total moonbats.
There actually is a fag reference on The Munsters.
Granpa Munster to Herman about "Mister Clean":
"Don't let that earring fool you. He's a real swinger"
At least one other episode in which Herman is shown smoking is "Movie Star Munster." In that episode a couple of con men take Herman as a mark and recruit him to star in some movies they are supposedly doing, whereupon they are going to scam him. His newfound small time star status goes to his head and after the commercial break Herman comes down for breakfast dressed up as a big time movie star - for me this sight gag got a belly laugh. Anyway part of his costume is a cigarette in a long cigarette holder, and I believe he takes some drags from it, albeit in a comical fashion.