The Indian episode

The other day I watched an episode where Herman wanders off to an Indian reservation. I find this episode very offensive the way the indians are portrayed. The way they are dressed and their broken English spoken is way over the top. No doubt the producers of the Munsters were white people. Cozi TV needs to yank this racist show off the aire



WARNING -to original poster,DONT EVER watch F-troop. YOUR HEAD WILL EXPLODE!



what are a kardashian? i believe they are mentioned on star trek next generation.(just kidding).


Oh, brother, PC run amok. All those old pre-1970 shows were "insensitive" to anyone who wasn't of Caucasian/European descent but that's part of our history. Just watch all the old TV westerns - every time a Mexican appears a Spanish guitar starts playing out of nowhere, a similar thing happens anytime a Chinese character appears. Even Mexican characters that spoke the Queen's English would resort to Spanish for the simplest words like "seƱor", "si" and "amigo". I see banning old shows just because they were corny and/or "insensitive" in their presentation of other cultures as tantamount to rewriting history. Just deal with it.


p.s. I hope you're original post was a joke and you're just trolling.
Personally, I find the two younger Indians in that episode being portrayed as street smart hucksters with Brooklyn accents as funny.

p.p.s. a lack of a sense of humor is exactly what is wrong with so much of the world especially the middle east. Radical groups like ISIS should be forced to watch reruns of "Who's Line is it Anyway?" and "Fawlty Towers".
