MovieChat Forums > Gilligan's Island (1964) Discussion > Wrongway's failure makes no sense

Wrongway's failure makes no sense

I have only seen a few episodes so far, but this show is turning out to be too stupid, filled with such improbabilities they are as close to impossibilities as it gets.

OK, so this 'Wrongway' didn't know about the second World War, but only wondered what that 'noise' was. If there's fighting that makes noise that he can hear, that means there are weapons fired close enough that the island definitely should have been spotted by someone or someones.

It's ridiculous that the island is supposedly not on the maps or charts, but it's anything from 1.5 to 3 hours away from 'civilization' (if it's a three hour 'tour', that means they will be back by the end of three hours, so they would have to turn back around 1.5 hour mark).

However, what's even more ridiculous, is how sceptical people were about his explanations. They KNOW there was a boat 'lost at sea', a gosh-darned MILLIONAIRE and his wife went missing, amidst other people, so they know about a 'group lost at sea' around the same kind of area where Wrongway came from.

Doing some calculations based on how much gas he had in his tank (though gas would spoil in all that time he spent on the island, so that wouldn't fly any more than the plane actually could), the maximum speed of that old biplane, the direction he came from and so on..

..they should be able to send a couple of airplanes/helicopters/jets/patrol boats/whatever to coam the area until they see that PRETTY DARN BIG ISLAND and can easily rescue the people.

Also, what is stopping 'Wrongway' from showing people where the island is, no matter how 'confused' his 'calculations' are?

Also also, since they know about the Skipper and all the other people that went missing on that 'three hour tour', taking THAT information into account while making those calculations, they should definitely be able to spot a big island like that. There must have been people that have visited that island at some point in history, there must be seasoned captains that know the polynesian islands pretty well and so on.

It's just unfathomable that no one can ever find that island - and by extension, the 'lost group' as well. It smells of convoluted writing tricks trying to make it somewhat believable that there's absolutely no escape for these people.

This show asks too much of the audience.. no one's disbelief can be suspended quite THAT far, or it would also be lost on an uncharted island somewhere.

The other thing I don't get.. why does Skipper like Gilligan so much? When Gilligan is 'lost', he gets worried, almost panicking, and instantly orders everyone to look for him - instead of just leaving well enough alone. If Gilligan disappears, good riddance, and the Skipper should wholeheartedly agree after all the abuse and sabotage Gilligan has done to him just over these few episodes I have seen so far.

I would NOT tolerate Gliligan even after the first couple of episodes, let alone be happy to see him after he's been 'lost' for awhile. Why does he treat Gilligan so lovingly, when he's the cause of all their misery? Why does he let Gilligan EVER hold or have a gun, or be the one to get the gun from the monkey? (They really don't understand animal psychology, either - you don't NEGOTIATE with animals..)

This show is just so stupid, so silly, so wacky and so frustrating, I don't know how much more I can take. It doesn't make sense on any level, nothing is believable, but the worst sin is - the characters are not even funny.

Whenever Gilligan is on the screen, I feel like punching his stupid face as hard as I can over and over, I am filled with rage, anger, disgust and almost want to vomit. It's not the actor's fault, but he has the kind of anti-charisma that makes me nauseated (NOT NAUSEOUS, any more than you can feel 'obnoxious' or 'inspirational' - you feel inspired, a gas is noxous, causing noxea, so someone being nauseous is CAUSING nausea).

It's like I am watching a poor man's imitation of Laurel and Hardy, Maxwell Smart, Dick Van Dyke, Charlie Chaplin and who knows what else, but the jokes fall flat, are clichéd, drawn-out and boring, the delivery is awful, Skipper is not as likable as any other fatso comedian I have ever seen, the rich people are cartoon characters, the professor is a boring 'straight man', the women are useless and mostly liters of make-up and a wig on a man-face, the acting is atrocious (usually I don't even notice or mind)..

I mean, watch a few classic episodes of 'The Dick Van Dyke Show', and you will start even thinking that Rich isn't all that annoying after seeing this damned show.

If the actors had some kind of charisma (I could watch Maxwell Smart do the same joke for hours and not get bored, just for a comparison point), if the gags were funny and not things you have already seen performed better, if Gilligan was more like Stan or Dick - heck, I would rather watch Adam West in his Batman suit telling facts to Gordon for hours than see this Gilligan guy for one minute - maybe.




Have you ever considered becoming an hero?


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
