ign.com 'reviews'
Did they hire 3 year olds to review movies over there?!!!!!!! Look, I realize everyone's entitled to their own opinions and there's no accounting for taste, but COME ON!!!!! 4 out of 10 for A Shot in the Dark? 2 out of 10 for Return?????!!!!! Reading one review, one of them actually said something to the effect of "I watched 3 of these films and I'm not yet sold on Peter Sellers."!!!! The first film came on TV tonight. And while it wasn't exactly drop dead funny as it appeared when I was younger, Edward's mastery of timing & pace...such as the "gorilla suit heist" & the final chase...is undeniable. These are clearly good, solid movies! I find it hard to believe that someone looking at them for the first time wouldn't find them at least highly amusing! Then again, I read books. I used to frequent that site on occassion. I'll never go there again. Not sold on Peter Sellers my @ss.