ign.com 'reviews'

Did they hire 3 year olds to review movies over there?!!!!!!! Look, I realize everyone's entitled to their own opinions and there's no accounting for taste, but COME ON!!!!! 4 out of 10 for A Shot in the Dark? 2 out of 10 for Return?????!!!!! Reading one review, one of them actually said something to the effect of "I watched 3 of these films and I'm not yet sold on Peter Sellers."!!!! The first film came on TV tonight. And while it wasn't exactly drop dead funny as it appeared when I was younger, Edward's mastery of timing & pace...such as the "gorilla suit heist" & the final chase...is undeniable. These are clearly good, solid movies! I find it hard to believe that someone looking at them for the first time wouldn't find them at least highly amusing! Then again, I read books. I used to frequent that site on occassion. I'll never go there again. Not sold on Peter Sellers my @ss.



I was just on that site out of curiosity (because of your post actually) and was unable to find these reviews because ign.com is one of the worst structured sites around. They won't let you search by title or artist. They make you search by genre, media format or the site's own rating so whatever you're looking for is bound to be buried under a hundred other titles. Not wroth it, I say.
