Be Ware of DVD rip Off

I bought "Ladybug, Ladybug" on line via "Quality Movies L.L.C."
At least I thought I did. Just got the DVD, and found out that they send me copy of "My Name Is Earl." The DVD covers reads "Ladybug, Ladybug" but once I played it turns out to be a copy of "My Name Is Earl."
I was ripped off. Don't let "Quality Movies L.L.C." do that to you. Now I am able to find them on line again.

A page for VeeKay's fans:


Do you mean you're not able to find them online again? And if they ripped you off, why would you want to?


to give them a piece of his/her mind and probley to demand thier money back I know I'd give them with both barowls if they pulled a stunt like that with me



I have said this many times in the past:
Those who hold tightly to the copyrights of these movies, are the ones responsible for the bootlegging and for people getting less than they bargained for.
IF these movies were available from the original sources and at a fair price, people would buy or rent them...... at lease I know that I would.
Unfortunately, when these movies are not made available to the public, people will have to deal with "bootleggers" if they want to see or own the movie. What they will get, in most cases, is a copy with reduced quality, unwanted edits or splices, movies with "logos" from networks, and any number of things that make the movie less desirable. Some are almost unwatchable.
Movies from original sources, are generally restored or remastered when necessary, and should be unedited like the movie was originally shown. Sometimes there is even bonus material or features. Most movies today have "extras" particularly Blu Ray.
So it just makes sense to release these movies and collect the profit rather than give it to a bootlegger.
BTW, there ARE some bootlegger companies that sell movies in the "public domain", which are not restored or particularly good quality. They are generally very cheap and dont contain any extras. Some are OK, some aren't.
In YOUR case, it sounds like somebody was careless and mixed up what they recorded or sent out. It may have been mislabeled. In any event, you may be left with no real remedy for the problem. In all fairness I HAVE seen bootleggers who will refund your money if there is a problem. They aren't ALL bad. You need to look at feedback if it is available and leave feedback if possible.
I DO hope this movie will one day be available on DVD. Unfortunately I cant even find a bootleg at the moment.


If you're online, just watch it on youtube.
Plug you computer into your TV, if you want to watch in on your TV.
Or, if you have a newer TV with apps, use the youtube app, if it has one.
